A good online tutorial for contact mgt + calendar?


Michael T Hall

I am very new to Outlook and will need to get up to speed as fast as I can. Will be using Outlook as an advanced PIM application, along with another app which needs to have Outlook have all the data.
Is there a good online source for me to learn how to do the following:
1] Contact Management -- create multiple categories and subcategories (using it for Contact management, and nust just for email only)

2] Task lists/Project management

3] Scheduling for appointments, reminders, and to do list

All advice is most appreciated.


I am very new toOutlookand will need to get up to speed as fast as I can. Will beusingOutlookas an advanced PIM application, along with another app which needs to haveOutlookhave all the data.
Is there a good online source for me to learn how to do the following:
1] ContactManagement-- create multiple categories and subcategories (usingit for Contactmanagement, and nust just for email only)

2] Task lists/Projectmanagement

3] Scheduling for appointments, reminders, and to do list

All advice is most appreciated.

I was reading through postings about Outlook and I am not sure exactly
what year this was written in just the date. If this is currently try
going to OfficeMaxx they sale a training software called Professor
Teaches. This packet has 2007 Microsoft Software information listed
on the box but as an added bonus you will receive 2003 training CDs as
well. I purchased it to get familiar with 2007 and actually loaded
the 2003 software as well as really learned some new technics and I
called myself technical savvy.

Good Luck,


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