A GOOD reason for more than 20 Note Flags



I bet this wouldn't apply to most people, but I figured I would throw this
out there.

I am using OneNote to tag up a mid-sized corpus of qualitative data. Note
Flags are great, because in interview transcripts, questions aren't always
asked the same way or in the same order. Using Note Flags let's me tag up the
data and create summary pages so that I can code the data
question-by-question, instead of by interview. This has been a huge
time-saver and extremely effective.

Except for there are more than 20 interview questions! So I have to do a few
of the questions the old way, which is too bad. If there are 20 Note Flags, I
assume there can be "N" - so I vote that in the next version there is a way
to add addition note flags. I would also love for there to be a way to group
Note Flags together into sets, so that I could retain flags from past
projects. That need probably isn't very common, but if it were a
supplementary download, I would use it.

Also, the ability to double click on a note flag in a summary page and be
brought back to the original instance would probably up my productivity by
about 20% at this point.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
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