You can search the internet for some do-it-yourself "legal" forms and
templates. Of course, you get what you pay for. If you look long enough
you might find something useful. Of course, the boss could write a hundred
of these letters in the time it will take you to find something, but a
person has to have priorities and your boss certainly has some here. Sounds
like an opportunity for some good clean fun. If the boss's top priority is
that he or she does not write the letter, you could tell him you will take a
few days off to find one and I'll write one for you. No fee. Meanwhile,
you could be off somewhere enjoying yourself instead of working for the
boss. Or you could write it yourself but tell the boss you found it on the
internet--you could spice it up with some dramatic story about where you
found it. Perhaps from the people who run the famous Nigerian letter hoax?
Perhaps from a high desert commune whose members are upset that they where
not beamed up into space when the Hale-Bopp comet passed by a few years ago
and who believe that writing template letters for businesses while awaiting
the comet's return allows them to communicate with a higher force.