A little code help please



Hi, I'm fairly new to access and I'm just trying to address an envelope.
I'm trying to do a query where if the 'Street Number' or 'Street Direction'
are null, there won't be a space in front of the 'Street Name'. This is
because I put the addresses with PO Boxes in the 'Street Name' column.

This is what I have so far...

fHomeAddress: IIf(IsNull([fHomeStreet#]),"",[fHomeStreet#]) &
IIf(IsNull([fHomeStreetDirection]),""," " & [fHomeStreetDirection]) & " " &
[fHomeStreetName] & " " & [fHomeApartment#]

This phrase leaves a space in front of the street name when the street name
is a PO Box as I'm sure you all know. Can someone help me eliminate the
space in those cases.

Thanks very much,




* first you can use the NZ function to simplify the expression:
NZ([fHomeStreet#],"") equals IIf(IsNull([fHomeStreet#]),"",[fHomeStreet#])

* to eliminate extra spaces use the Trim function


Trim(Nz(fHomeStreet, "") & " " & Nz(fHomeStreetDirection, "")
& " " & Nz(fHomeStreetName, "") & " " & Nz(fHomeApt#, ""))


Thanks to you both but I'm still getting two spaces if both fHomeStreet# and
fHomeStreetDirection are blank. I think it's the two spaces in between the
two fields that are accumulating. Any additionals suggestions. Thanks very

fHomeAddress: Trim(Nz([fHomeStreet#],"") & " " &
Nz([fHomeStreetDirection],"") & " " & Nz

([fHomeStr`eetName],"") & " " & Nz([fHomeApartment#],""))

Douglas J. Steele

fHomeAddress: Trim(([fHomeStreet#] + " ") & ([fHomeStreetDirection] + " ") &
([fHomeStreetName] + " ") & [fHomeApartment#] & " ")

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

pepper said:
Thanks to you both but I'm still getting two spaces if both fHomeStreet#
and fHomeStreetDirection are blank. I think it's the two spaces in
between the two fields that are accumulating. Any additionals
suggestions. Thanks very much.

fHomeAddress: Trim(Nz([fHomeStreet#],"") & " " &
Nz([fHomeStreetDirection],"") & " " & Nz

([fHomeStr`eetName],"") & " " & Nz([fHomeApartment#],""))

pepper said:
Hi, I'm fairly new to access and I'm just trying to address an envelope.
I'm trying to do a query where if the 'Street Number' or 'Street
Direction' are null, there won't be a space in front of the 'Street
Name'. This is because I put the addresses with PO Boxes in the 'Street
Name' column.

This is what I have so far...

fHomeAddress: IIf(IsNull([fHomeStreet#]),"",[fHomeStreet#]) &
IIf(IsNull([fHomeStreetDirection]),""," " & [fHomeStreetDirection]) & " "
& [fHomeStreetName] & " " & [fHomeApartment#]

This phrase leaves a space in front of the street name when the street
name is a PO Box as I'm sure you all know. Can someone help me eliminate
the space in those cases.

Thanks very much,


John Spencer MVP

You could do something like the following.

FullName: ([Prefix] + " ") & ([Title] + " ")
& ([FirstName] + " ") & [LastName]

FullAddress: (Address1 + chr(13) + chr(10)) &
(Address2 + chr(13) + chr(10)) &
(City + ", ") & (State + " ") & Zip

This technique relies on the different ways that Access handles concatenating
(combining strings). If a string is Null and you add (plus sign) to another
string then you get a null. If a string is null and you combine it (& sign)
to another string you get the other string.

So if the Title is null and the prefix is null you don't end up with leading
Or if Address 2 is null you don't end up with a blank line.

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2009
The Hilltop Institute
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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