A little trouble with a trivially simple form



I am afraid I am a little rusty WRT MS Access (the last version I used
was MS Access 2000, and THAT was only to fix to referential integrity
problems and create additional queries for an Access app that someone
else had created and couldn't fix). I am presently working against MS
Access 2003.

I am fixing a form on a little DB. The form uses a table, and
supports editing it, not just viewing it, and there are several
controls at the bottom for viewing summary data. For example, there
is a column in the table called value, and one of the controls with
summary data contains the sum of the values in that column. Simple
enough. But now I have been asked to add an equivalent set of summary
controls, and to divide the data into items sold and not sold. So the
label that goes with the control having the sum of the value column
will be replaced by the sum of the value column values on rows where
another column has a value <> "sold", and there'd be a second control
below it for the sum of values in the value column for rows where that
other column has the value "sold"

I tried doing this with a pair of queries, as in: SELECT SUM(value)
FROM engines WHERE col1<>"sold";

Now, the SQL is trivially simple, and when I open the queries, they
give me the correct data. However, when I tried to use the query as a
data source for a text box, and open the form, the values from the
query are not displayed and instead I get a silly string '#NAME' I do
not understand why this form can't access the data from a pair of
queries that work flawlessly independantly, or even give the control
the SQL statements required to get the right result.

I did try a subform, but it insists on putting the data in a grid,
with controls to navigate through a series of records, and obviously
with the summary data query there is only one record.

Using an expression like "=SUM(value)" seems to work, in that the
total for all records appears, but I have not figured out how to apply
the where clause to that kind of expression. Just giving the SQL as
the data source gives the same silly string '#NAME' when the form is
opened. Why isn't it obvious how to set up a pair of controls that
use the same SUM(value) expression, and apply a filter colX="sold" to
one and colX<>"sold" to the other?

I guess I should add that one additional requirement, apart from the
partition of the sums according to whether or not the item is sold, is
that when an item is sold (and the DB updated accodingly), the sums
displayed ought to be updated immediately. Again, when I use the
subform, despite it being really ugly for this purpose, and change an
item to indicate it has been sold, the controls containing data for
that item update immediately (including one that shows the profit from
the sale), but the summary data is not updated until the next time I
open the form.

There are reasons I prefer to work with MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL or
MySQL, with a C++ or Java GUI. :-( This is turning into a reminder
why I am not fond of programming MS Office products. :-( Maybe,
admittedly, this is a catch 22 situation where I find programming MS
Office products painful because I don't do it much, and I don't do it
much because it has never been a really rewarding experience for me.

This really ought to be a trivial fix (and would take me all of 10
minutes if I were doing it using JDBC and a product like MS SQL
Server), but I am getting really frustrated and the docs and books I
have at hand are not much help.

Any tips that will help me get this done quickly, would be greatly




Good plan, come to an Access newsgroup for help and bash the product.

But, to answer your question, your problem starts here:
However, when I tried to use the query as a data source for a text box

Text boxes do not have a data source. They have a control source. That is,
you bind a field in the form's record source to a control so it can be
displayed and modified. Of course, there are other uses for a control
source, but that is beyond the current scope.

If you look at the other code that works for this, you will likely find one
of two methods being used.

1. Modify parameters in a form's record source query and requery the form.

2. Build a filter string for that defines criteria for filtering. It is
exactly like an SQL WHERE clause without the word where. Then filter the
form using:

With Me
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With

I usually use method two. Here is an example:

Private Function SetFilters() As String
Dim strFilter As String 'Used by Form Filtering procedures

On Error GoTo SetFilters_Error

With Me

'Build The Filter String
If .cboPriority <> "(All)" Then
strFilter = "[InitPriority] = " & .cboPriority
End If

If .cboOrigDate <> "(All)" Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "Format([OrigReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
.cboOrigDate & """"
End If

If .cboCurrDate <> "(All)" Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "Format([CurrentReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
.cboCurrDate & """"
End If

If .cboInitStatus <> 0 Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[InitStatus] = " & .cboInitStatus
End If

If .cboInitType <> 0 Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[InitType] = " & .cboInitType
End If

If Not IsNull(.txtDescrSearch) Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[InitShortDescr] Like ""*" &
Me.txtDescrSearch & "*"""
End If

If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
.subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
End If

strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[CcID] = " & Me.cboCenter
End With 'Me

SetFilters = strFilter


Private Function AddAnd(strFilterString) As String
On Error GoTo AddAnd_Error

If Len(strFilterString) > 0 Then
AddAnd = strFilterString & " AND "
AddAnd = strFilterString
End If


Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0


MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & _
") in procedure AddAnd of VBA Document Form_frmStartForm"
GoTo AddAnd_Exit

End Function


If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
.subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
End If


Good plan, come to an Access newsgroup for help and bash the product.

But, to answer your question, your problem starts here:
However, when I tried to use the query as a data source for a text box

Text boxes do not have a data source.  They have a control source.  That is,
you bind a field in the form's record source to a control so it can be
displayed and modified.  Of course, there are other uses for a control
source, but that is beyond the current scope.

If you look at the other code that works for this, you will likely find one
of two methods being used.

1. Modify parameters in a form's record source query and requery the form.

2. Build a filter string for that defines criteria for filtering.  It is
exactly like an SQL WHERE clause without the word where.  Then filter the
form using:

    With Me
        .Filter = strFilter
        .FilterOn = True
    End With

I usually use method two.  Here is an example:

Private Function SetFilters() As String
Dim strFilter As String 'Used by Form Filtering procedures

   On Error GoTo SetFilters_Error

    With Me

'Build The Filter String
        If .cboPriority <> "(All)" Then
            strFilter = "[InitPriority] = " & .cboPriority
        End If

        If .cboOrigDate <> "(All)" Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "Format([OrigReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
                .cboOrigDate & """"
        End If

        If .cboCurrDate <> "(All)" Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "Format([CurrentReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
                .cboCurrDate & """"
        End If

        If .cboInitStatus <> 0 Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "[InitStatus] = " & .cboInitStatus
        End If

        If .cboInitType <> 0 Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "[InitType] = " & .cboInitType
        End If

        If Not IsNull(.txtDescrSearch) Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "[InitShortDescr] Like ""*" &
Me.txtDescrSearch & "*"""
        End If

        If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
            .subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
        End If

        strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
        strFilter = strFilter & "[CcID] = " & Me.cboCenter
    End With 'Me

    SetFilters = strFilter


Private Function AddAnd(strFilterString) As String
   On Error GoTo AddAnd_Error

    If Len(strFilterString) > 0 Then
        AddAnd = strFilterString & " AND "
        AddAnd = strFilterString
    End If


   Exit Function
   On Error GoTo 0


    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & _
        ") in procedure AddAnd of VBA Document Form_frmStartForm"
    GoTo AddAnd_Exit

End Function


        If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
            .subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
        End If

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Ted said:
I am afraid I am a little rusty WRT MS Access (the last version I used
was MS Access 2000, and THAT was only to fix to referential integrity
problems and create additional queries for an Access app that someone
else had created and couldn't fix).  I am presently working against MS
Access  2003.
I am fixing a form on a little DB.  The form uses a table, and
supports editing it, not just viewing it, and there are several
controls at the bottom for viewing summary data.  For example, there
is a column in the table called value, and one of the controls with
summary data contains the sum of the values in that column.  Simple
enough.  But now I have been asked to add an equivalent set of summary
controls, and to divide the data into items sold and not sold.  So the
label that goes with the control having the sum of the value column
will be replaced by the sum of the value column values on rows where
another column has a value <> "sold", and there'd be a second control
below it for the sum of values in the value column for rows where that
other column has the value "sold"
I tried doing this with a pair of queries, as in: SELECT SUM(value)
FROM engines WHERE col1<>"sold";
Now, the SQL is trivially simple, and when I open the queries, they
give me the correct data.  However, when I tried to use the query as a
data source for a text box, and open the form, the values from the
query are not displayed and instead I get a silly string '#NAME'  I do
not understand why this form can't access the data from a pair of
queries that work flawlessly independantly, or even give the control
the SQL statements required to get the right result.
I did try a subform, but it insists on putting the data in a grid,
with controls to navigate through a series of records, and obviously
with the summary data query there is only one record.
Using an expression like "=SUM(value)" seems to work, in that the
total for all records appears, but I have not figured out how to apply
the where clause to that kind of expression.  Just giving the SQL as
the data source gives the same silly string '#NAME' when the form is
opened.  Why isn't it obvious how to set up a pair of controls that
use the same SUM(value) expression, and apply a filter colX="sold" to
one and colX<>"sold" to the other?
I guess I should add that one additional requirement, apart from the
partition of the sums according to whether or not the item is sold, is
that when an item is sold (and the DB updated accodingly), the sums
displayed ought to be updated immediately.  Again, when I use the
subform, despite it being really ugly for this purpose, and change an
item to indicate it has been sold, the controls containing data for
that item update immediately (including one that shows the profit from
the sale), but the summary data is not updated until the next time I
open the form.
There are reasons I prefer to work with MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL or
MySQL, with a C++ or Java GUI.  :-(  This is turning into a reminder
why I am not fond of programming MS Office products.  :-(  Maybe,
admittedly, this is a catch 22 situation where I find programming MS
Office products painful because I don't do it much, and I don't do it
much because it has never been a really rewarding experience for me.
This really ought to be a trivial fix (and would take me all of 10
minutes if I were doing it using JDBC and a product like MS SQL
Server), but I am getting really frustrated and the docs and books I
have at hand are not much help.
Any tips that will help me get this done quickly, would be greatly

Ted- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -


1) It wasn't my intention to bash the product; just to express my
frustration with it.

2) The form is based on using all records in one table. The code, in
the control, that works is precisely "=Sum([Value])": no filter or

3) Is it not possible to apply a filter at a granularity finer than
that of the form? Can I apply a filter to individual controls? We
don't want to change how the main form works, or change the number of
records it displays, and we do want to show sums, using a different
filter, at the same time, one above the other. The raw data for the
two sums of interest are in the same column in the same table, but on
mutually exclusive set of rows. You talked about filtering the form,
and in the properties of the form I see where a filter can be placed,
but unless I am looking in the wrong place (the properties for the
control that needs the filter), I don't see where I can apply a filter
to only that control. And the filters needed are mutually exclusive
and so can not be applied to the whole form.

Thanks again,


Stephen Lebans

Ted here is previous post of mine on this issue:

Newsgroups: microsoft.public.access.forms
From: "Stephen Lebans"
<ForEmailGotoMy.WebSite.-WWWdo­tlebans­[email protected]> - Find
messages by this author
Date: Mon, 29 Nov 2004 20:52:36 -0400
Local: Mon,Nov 29 2004 7:52 pm
Subject: Re: .jpg pictures are allowed to store as OLE objects?
Reply to Author | Forward | Print | Individual Message | Show original |
Report Abuse

The format of the image file is completely independant of Access. It is
the responsibility of whatever Image/Paint program is currently
registered with WIndows to view the Image file types and act as the OLE
server for the object inserted into the OLE object field.
MS Photo Editor is generally used as the OLE server for Access. It must
be setup and registered to handle the selected image file types.

Before I explain how to setup Photo Editor to be registeredd for the
relevant Image file types one note of caution. Images embedded as OLE
objects will quickly fill up your MDB. A small 40KB JPG can end up
consuming several MB's in storage space. If you are planning on storing
a large number of images or even a few extremely high resolution images
then you should not be using OLE.

Why do Images embedded as OLE objects take up so much storage space?

In a nutshell:
An Image inserted as an OLE object is no longer the same size as the
original file. It is converted to a DIB(uncompressed Bitmap) and then
wrapped in a EMF(Enhanced Metafile). THe EMF is then wrapped within the
OLE stream. Further, if the original Image was not a Bitmap or Metafile,
then another full size DIB preview is inserted into the OLE stream.

THe only reasons to use an OLE object field are if you require:

1) The ability for your users to Edit the Image in the Program that acts
as the OLE server.
2) The ability to view the Images with a Form in Continuous View.
3) The Images are embedded for security concerns.

In reality, the enormous OLE file size "bloating" stops most users from
inserting more than a few images. With the exception of viewing the
images with a Form in Continuous view, coding solutions for the other 2
issues are available.

The most common solution is to simply keep the images in a seperate
folder storing the filenames only in a Text field. Using the Current
event of the Form or the Format event of the relevant section on a
Report, place a line of code to load the picture into the standard Image
control NOT the OLE Frame control.

Me.NameOfPictureControl.Pictur­­e =

There is lots of sample code out there complete with error checking.
Search GoogleGroups.


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


Okay, Ted, I think I have a better understanding of what it is you are asking.

No, you can't filter a control. But, as I said in my previous post, you can
use the control's Control Source property for other things than binding to a
record source field. If you are trying to present a summed value in a text
box, you would want to use a DSum function to return the desired value. So
the Control Source property would contain something like:

=DSum("[FieldToSum]","QueryOrTableName","Filtering Criteria")

Where Filtering Criteria would be like a WHERE clause without the word WHERE.

If you need to fitler based on a value in the form's current record, then
you can use a reference to the control that contains that value
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Ted said:
Good plan, come to an Access newsgroup for help and bash the product.

But, to answer your question, your problem starts here:
However, when I tried to use the query as a data source for a text box

Text boxes do not have a data source. They have a control source. That is,
you bind a field in the form's record source to a control so it can be
displayed and modified. Of course, there are other uses for a control
source, but that is beyond the current scope.

If you look at the other code that works for this, you will likely find one
of two methods being used.

1. Modify parameters in a form's record source query and requery the form.

2. Build a filter string for that defines criteria for filtering. It is
exactly like an SQL WHERE clause without the word where. Then filter the
form using:

With Me
.Filter = strFilter
.FilterOn = True
End With

I usually use method two. Here is an example:

Private Function SetFilters() As String
Dim strFilter As String 'Used by Form Filtering procedures

On Error GoTo SetFilters_Error

With Me

'Build The Filter String
If .cboPriority <> "(All)" Then
strFilter = "[InitPriority] = " & .cboPriority
End If

If .cboOrigDate <> "(All)" Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "Format([OrigReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
.cboOrigDate & """"
End If

If .cboCurrDate <> "(All)" Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "Format([CurrentReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
.cboCurrDate & """"
End If

If .cboInitStatus <> 0 Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[InitStatus] = " & .cboInitStatus
End If

If .cboInitType <> 0 Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[InitType] = " & .cboInitType
End If

If Not IsNull(.txtDescrSearch) Then
strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[InitShortDescr] Like ""*" &
Me.txtDescrSearch & "*"""
End If

If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
.subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
End If

strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
strFilter = strFilter & "[CcID] = " & Me.cboCenter
End With 'Me

SetFilters = strFilter


Private Function AddAnd(strFilterString) As String
On Error GoTo AddAnd_Error

If Len(strFilterString) > 0 Then
AddAnd = strFilterString & " AND "
AddAnd = strFilterString
End If


Exit Function
On Error GoTo 0


MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & _
") in procedure AddAnd of VBA Document Form_frmStartForm"
GoTo AddAnd_Exit

End Function


If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
.subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
.subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
End If

Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Ted said:
I am afraid I am a little rusty WRT MS Access (the last version I used
was MS Access 2000, and THAT was only to fix to referential integrity
problems and create additional queries for an Access app that someone
else had created and couldn't fix). I am presently working against MS
Access 2003.
I am fixing a form on a little DB. The form uses a table, and
supports editing it, not just viewing it, and there are several
controls at the bottom for viewing summary data. For example, there
is a column in the table called value, and one of the controls with
summary data contains the sum of the values in that column. Simple
enough. But now I have been asked to add an equivalent set of summary
controls, and to divide the data into items sold and not sold. So the
label that goes with the control having the sum of the value column
will be replaced by the sum of the value column values on rows where
another column has a value <> "sold", and there'd be a second control
below it for the sum of values in the value column for rows where that
other column has the value "sold"
I tried doing this with a pair of queries, as in: SELECT SUM(value)
FROM engines WHERE col1<>"sold";
Now, the SQL is trivially simple, and when I open the queries, they
give me the correct data. However, when I tried to use the query as a
data source for a text box, and open the form, the values from the
query are not displayed and instead I get a silly string '#NAME' I do
not understand why this form can't access the data from a pair of
queries that work flawlessly independantly, or even give the control
the SQL statements required to get the right result.
I did try a subform, but it insists on putting the data in a grid,
with controls to navigate through a series of records, and obviously
with the summary data query there is only one record.
Using an expression like "=SUM(value)" seems to work, in that the
total for all records appears, but I have not figured out how to apply
the where clause to that kind of expression. Just giving the SQL as
the data source gives the same silly string '#NAME' when the form is
opened. Why isn't it obvious how to set up a pair of controls that
use the same SUM(value) expression, and apply a filter colX="sold" to
one and colX<>"sold" to the other?
I guess I should add that one additional requirement, apart from the
partition of the sums according to whether or not the item is sold, is
that when an item is sold (and the DB updated accodingly), the sums
displayed ought to be updated immediately. Again, when I use the
subform, despite it being really ugly for this purpose, and change an
item to indicate it has been sold, the controls containing data for
that item update immediately (including one that shows the profit from
the sale), but the summary data is not updated until the next time I
open the form.
There are reasons I prefer to work with MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL or
MySQL, with a C++ or Java GUI. :-( This is turning into a reminder
why I am not fond of programming MS Office products. :-( Maybe,
admittedly, this is a catch 22 situation where I find programming MS
Office products painful because I don't do it much, and I don't do it
much because it has never been a really rewarding experience for me.
This really ought to be a trivial fix (and would take me all of 10
minutes if I were doing it using JDBC and a product like MS SQL
Server), but I am getting really frustrated and the docs and books I
have at hand are not much help.
Any tips that will help me get this done quickly, would be greatly

Ted- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -


1) It wasn't my intention to bash the product; just to express my
frustration with it.

2) The form is based on using all records in one table. The code, in
the control, that works is precisely "=Sum([Value])": no filter or

3) Is it not possible to apply a filter at a granularity finer than
that of the form? Can I apply a filter to individual controls? We
don't want to change how the main form works, or change the number of
records it displays, and we do want to show sums, using a different
filter, at the same time, one above the other. The raw data for the
two sums of interest are in the same column in the same table, but on
mutually exclusive set of rows. You talked about filtering the form,
and in the properties of the form I see where a filter can be placed,
but unless I am looking in the wrong place (the properties for the
control that needs the filter), I don't see where I can apply a filter
to only that control. And the filters needed are mutually exclusive
and so can not be applied to the whole form.

Thanks again,



Okay, Ted, I think I have a better understanding of what it is you are asking.

No, you can't filter a control.  But, as I said in my previous post, youcan
use the control's Control Source property for other things than binding toa
record source field.  If you are trying to present a summed value in a text
box, you would want to use a DSum function to return the desired value.  So
the Control Source property would contain something like:

=DSum("[FieldToSum]","QueryOrTableName","Filtering Criteria")

Where Filtering Criteria would be like a WHERE clause without the word WHERE.

If you need to fitler based on  a value in the form's current record, then
you can use a reference to the control that contains that value
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP

Ted said:
Good plan, come to an Access newsgroup for help and bash the product.
But, to answer your question, your problem starts here:
However, when I tried to use the query as a data source for a text box
Text boxes do not have a data source.  They have a control source.  That is,
you bind a field in the form's record source to a control so it can be
displayed and modified.  Of course, there are other uses for a control
source, but that is beyond the current scope.
If you look at the other code that works for this, you will likely find one
of two methods being used.
1. Modify parameters in a form's record source query and requery the form.
2. Build a filter string for that defines criteria for filtering.  It is
exactly like an SQL WHERE clause without the word where.  Then filter the
form using:
    With Me
        .Filter = strFilter
        .FilterOn = True
    End With
I usually use method two.  Here is an example:
Private Function SetFilters() As String
Dim strFilter As String 'Used by Form Filtering procedures
   On Error GoTo SetFilters_Error
    With Me
'Build The Filter String
        If .cboPriority <> "(All)" Then
            strFilter = "[InitPriority] = " & .cboPriority
        End If
        If .cboOrigDate <> "(All)" Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "Format([OrigReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
                .cboOrigDate & """"
        End If
        If .cboCurrDate <> "(All)" Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "Format([CurrentReleaseTarget],
""yyyy-mm"") = """ & _
                .cboCurrDate & """"
        End If
        If .cboInitStatus <> 0 Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "[InitStatus] = " & .cboInitStatus
        End If
        If .cboInitType <> 0 Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "[InitType] = " & ..cboInitType
        End If
        If Not IsNull(.txtDescrSearch) Then
            strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
            strFilter = strFilter & "[InitShortDescr] Like ""*" &
Me.txtDescrSearch & "*"""
        End If
        If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
            .subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
        End If
        strFilter = AddAnd(strFilter)
        strFilter = strFilter & "[CcID] = " & Me.cboCenter
    End With 'Me
    SetFilters = strFilter
Private Function AddAnd(strFilterString) As String
   On Error GoTo AddAnd_Error
    If Len(strFilterString) > 0 Then
        AddAnd = strFilterString & " AND "
        AddAnd = strFilterString
    End If
   Exit Function
   On Error GoTo 0
    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & _
        ") in procedure AddAnd of VBA Document Form_frmStartForm"
    GoTo AddAnd_Exit
End Function
        If Len(strFilter) > 0 Then
            .subInitiative.Form.Filter = strFilter
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = True
            .subInitiative.Form.FilterOn = False
        End If
Dave Hargis, Microsoft Access MVP
I am afraid I am a little rusty WRT MS Access (the last version I used
was MS Access 2000, and THAT was only to fix to referential integrity
problems and create additional queries for an Access app that someone
else had created and couldn't fix).  I am presently working against MS
Access  2003.
I am fixing a form on a little DB.  The form uses a table, and
supports editing it, not just viewing it, and there are several
controls at the bottom for viewing summary data.  For example, there
is a column in the table called value, and one of the controls with
summary data contains the sum of the values in that column.  Simple
enough.  But now I have been asked to add an equivalent set of summary
controls, and to divide the data into items sold and not sold.  Sothe
label that goes with the control having the sum of the value column
will be replaced by the sum of the value column values on rows where
another column has a value <> "sold", and there'd be a second control
below it for the sum of values in the value column for rows where that
other column has the value "sold"
I tried doing this with a pair of queries, as in: SELECT SUM(value)
FROM engines WHERE col1<>"sold";
Now, the SQL is trivially simple, and when I open the queries, they
give me the correct data.  However, when I tried to use the query as a
data source for a text box, and open the form, the values from the
query are not displayed and instead I get a silly string '#NAME'  I do
not understand why this form can't access the data from a pair of
queries that work flawlessly independantly, or even give the control
the SQL statements required to get the right result.
I did try a subform, but it insists on putting the data in a grid,
with controls to navigate through a series of records, and obviously
with the summary data query there is only one record.
Using an expression like "=SUM(value)" seems to work, in that the
total for all records appears, but I have not figured out how to apply
the where clause to that kind of expression.  Just giving the SQL as
the data source gives the same silly string '#NAME' when the form is
opened.  Why isn't it obvious how to set up a pair of controls that
use the same SUM(value) expression, and apply a filter colX="sold"to
one and colX<>"sold" to the other?
I guess I should add that one additional requirement, apart from the
partition of the sums according to whether or not the item is sold, is
that when an item is sold (and the DB updated accodingly), the sums
displayed ought to be updated immediately.  Again, when I use the
subform, despite it being really ugly for this purpose, and change an
item to indicate it has been sold, the controls containing data for
that item update immediately (including one that shows the profit from
the sale), but the summary data is not updated until the next time I
open the form.
There are reasons I prefer to work with MS SQL Server, PostgreSQL or
MySQL, with a C++ or Java GUI.  :-(  This is turning into a reminder
why I am not fond of programming MS Office products.  :-(  Maybe,
admittedly, this is a catch 22 situation where I find programming MS
Office products painful because I don't do it much, and I don't do it
much because it has never been a really rewarding experience for me.
This really ought to be a trivial fix (and would take me all of 10
minutes if I were doing it using JDBC and a product like MS SQL
Server), but I am getting really frustrated and the docs and books I
have at hand are not much help.
Any tips that will help me get this done quickly, would be greatly
Ted- Hide quoted text -
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1) It wasn't my intention to bash the product; just to express my
frustration with it.
2) The form is based on using all records in one table.  The code, in
the control, that works is precisely "=Sum([Value])": no filter or
3) Is it not possible to apply a filter at a granularity finer than
that of the form?  Can I apply a filter to individual controls?  We
don't want to change how the main form works, or change the number of
records it displays, and we do want to show sums, using a different
filter, at the same time, one above the other.  The raw data for the
two sums of interest are in the same column in the same table, but on
mutually exclusive set of rows.  You talked about filtering the form,
and in the properties of the form I see where a filter can be placed,
but unless I am looking in the wrong place (the properties for the
control that needs the filter), I don't see where I can apply a filter
to only that control.  And the filters needed are mutually exclusive
and so can not be applied to the whole form.
Thanks again,
Ted- Hide quoted text -

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Thanks you. That was what I needed.





I think you responded to the wrong post.
I believe you wanted "Embedded Pictures" just below this post.

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