A lookup table to subtotal categories??

  • Thread starter char in the moon valley
  • Start date

char in the moon valley

Here's what I want to do... I use Excel to track expenses. Column heading are "Date," "Type" and "Amount". Under "type" I enter a category like "food", "gasoline", "groceries". Like a checkbook register except each entry gets categorized.

On a separate sheet I'd like to keep a running total of how much I've spent on food, gasoline or groceries. So I need to tell Excel to look at each entry in column B, and if it says "food" add it to the total in cell xx

I know (basically) how to use lookup tables, but I can't think of how this is going to work. Anyone help?


Frank Kabel

one easy solution could be using Pivot Tables (go to 'Fata - Pivot
1. Select your table
2. Use the Type as row for the pivot table
3. Use Amount (Sumof Amount) as data

For further help on Pivot tables have a look at the Excel help or


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