A more Intelligent Desktop: Search Engine/ Assistant for your Desktop



A few posts earlier than this one, an author by the name of Ron posted
a question asking whether someone out there is working on a project to
make an "intelligent desktop". So i found this website useful to
answer his question..

NeuTRINO Technologies, http://www.nt4me.com , has produced a software
where its intelligent to search through all your files, handle your
contacts (search them too), manage tasks, alarms, and so forth. The
basic idea is to bring all your "stuff" together, and NeuDESK Suite
uses Natural language commands. Here are somethings i found useful
about it:

to find your documents type in: "open document report" (fires up MS
find your music : "play mariah" (starts NeuPLAYER and plays the song)
show pictures: "show baby pictures" (starts NeuVIEWER to start a
email someone: "email jeff" (opens NeuEMAIL to compose a new message
to Jeff)
get directions: "get directions to jeff" (opens browser, gets a route
from my address to jeff's address)

Those are just to name a few. The amazing thing is that NeuKNOWLEDGE
keeps track of all your file activity, so its knowledgebase is up to
date all the time, its like a powerful and intelligent search engine
for your desktop.

There are other useful feature built in such as backup your data,
audio/video player, desktop assistant, email client, organizer,
picture viewer and others.

I found it very useful to search my files and other stuff so i hope
you will to, i am still using their 60 day trial version which is a
great test period. So visit them at http://www.nt4me.com

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