A new add-in for colouring maps and diagrams


Martin Conradi

A while back, someone on the newsgroup wanted to find a way of automatically
recolouring a map according to values held in a spreadsheet. The values
would change daily and they had some 40 regions; they had to do it manually
and it was taking them hours.

We developed an add-in that lets you link autoshapes (e.g. map segments or
diagrams) to spreadsheet cells. Then you can set colours according to rules
that you specify.

Once this initial work is done, it takes only a second or two to update the
map whenever it is needed.

They used it for mapping social trends, but it is great for showing sales by
region, tracking the spread of disease, or showing outlets that are over or
under budget. You can even get it to play Poker dice!

If anyone has a similar problem, you can try it out for free on
www.showcasesolutions.net/SPProductsPage.htm - it is called Carte Blanche.

Forgive the advertising but it did all start here!

Martin Conradi

Glen Millar


I've had a play with it. Very nice! This is extremely handy with mapping and
GIS. Particularly GIS as it is database driven. As the database changes, so
does the PowerPoint outputs.



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