A new wrinkle in the "cannot open file" problem


Patty Winter

Recently, Word X has started refusing to open one of the text
files that I use on my web site. I get that "Word cannot open
the document" error message that other people have reported here
in the past. But I *am* opening the file from within Word, and
it *is* a valid Word document. (Word 5 opens it just fine, by
the way.) The only way I can open the file in Word X is by using
the "Recover Text from Any File" show option.

The really weird thing is that I finally made a brand-new file
by displaying the HTML text from my web directory in Terminal,
copying it, and then pasting it into a new Word file. I then
saved the file as a plain-text file. Still no joy opening it
again. :-( I even tossed out my Word X property list file,
but that didn't help, either.

So the text works fine on my web site, and it works fine in Word
5, but I can no longer open and edit it in Word X. (So far, the
other HTML files from my site are opening okay in Word X.) Anyone
got any ideas what the heck is happening?


Jim Gordon


Did you manually edit the HTML along the way? Maybe a character is missing
or there is a malformed HTML tag somewhere along the way.

A quick check of the HTML through the validator at http://www.w3c.org might
turn up a syntax error.

-Jim Gordon

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