A pair of update probems


Desert Bear

I have two forms based on queries.
1) In frmPeople, "Add Person" comes up with "object required" error.
If I click "OK" on that, it will show a blank record into which data can be entered or selected from drop down lists.
2) when "Execute" button executes the update query, the query fails because of "key violations"
tblPeople contains several foreign keys. The records those foreign keys point to already exist, we just want the new person to link to an existing organization, manager, project. the query contains "orgID", a foreign key in tblPeople. It also failed when I told it to update primary key "orgID" in tblOrg. (this would be a violation, as the organization already exists.)
3) frmEvaluation displays data correctly, but none of it is editable. when I add a new field, it is not editable--ie the default is not editable.

1) How do I fix the "object required" problem?
2) Need to fix the update query (or make it so an update query is not needed)
3) Need to be able to enter data in frmEvaluation

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