A Planner Calendar Form


Duncan Edment

I'm looking for help on this one.

What I'm thinking of, is creating a form that is essentially a calendar, with
one month displayed at a time. The purpose of the form would be to record
annual leave, and provide a total of the number of days taken and number of days
left in an employees annual entitlement. So far, I have thought of two possible
ways of completing this:

1. The employee clicks on the specific day and enters their initials--or
some other indicator for their name--as well as the number of hours
Annual Leave they are taking. This is then recorded in a
table--perhaps--and the form updates to show that the employee will be
absent on annual leave that day.

2. The employee enters the information into their timesheet--which is an
integral part of the database--and the calendar form is then queried /
updated with their Annual leave entry.

Either way, when the calendar is viewed, clicking on a specific day would result
in more detailed information being displayed about who is absent and for how
long. Does that make sense?

My question is, is this at all possible / feasible? What would be the best way
to accomplish this? Any help?

TIA and regards


John Vinson

I'm looking for help on this one.

What I'm thinking of, is creating a form that is essentially a calendar, with
one month displayed at a time. ...
Either way, when the calendar is viewed, clicking on a specific day would result
in more detailed information being displayed about who is absent and for how
long. Does that make sense?

My question is, is this at all possible / feasible? What would be the best way
to accomplish this? Any help?

I've just recently put together a Form that does this. It has 42
(seven days x six weeks, it could be cut to 37 since the sixth week of
a month will never have more than two days) Listboxes displaying the
events scheduled for that day. The header of the form has two combos
to select the year and the month; their AfterUpdate events loop
through all the listboxes, resetting their RowSources and visibility.
Each Listbox has a Click event to open a second form showing just the
events for that day. If I can extract this form in a usable manner (in
the next couple of weeks) I'll make it available on the CompuServe
forum in my .sig. But yes... it is possible.

Note: I tried 42 Subforms. Crash and burn (many errors, including "Too
many databases open" and glacially slow loading).

Duncan Edment

Cheers John. I'll plod along just now, but hope that you can get the form

Many thanks for your reply


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