A plea from a novice with publishing problems



I've experienced a crash that has resulted in losing some of the pages
on my computer that had been published to the remote server. I'm a
newbie, so step by step info on how to get the server's version back
onto my computer would be greatly appreciated. Preferably something
that wouldn't require publishing the entire site back to my computer
since it is a very large site with lots of images.

If it matters, the server doesn't have FP extensions so I am using the
ftp publishing capability of FrontPage 2002.

I need hand-holding through this since I'm afraid that I might publish
the local version and ruin the correct version on the server.
Please take pity on this novice!

Ken K4XL
(e-mail address removed)
*** BoatAnchor Manual Archive ***
On the web at http://bama.sbc.edu or
FTP site info: bama.sbc.edu login: anonymous p/w: youremailadr

Thomas A. Rowe

Without the FP extensions on the remote server, the only option you have is
to open the site on the server via FTP and then download the specific
page(s) to a folder on your HD, then import into your current open local FP


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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