A problem about using Frame in my site



I am trying to use frames in frontpage 2000. I have 3 pages for my
site. One is home page and others, say A & B. I have correctly
the frame (banner & content) for the home page. When I click the
in the home page, it is correctly targetting to the pages A & B. But
if I type the url of the page A or B directly to the browser, the
whole page is opening without frame. Do I need to create a framepage
for each page A & B?

Trevor Lawrence

Writabrata said:
I am trying to use frames in frontpage 2000. I have 3 pages for my
site. One is home page and others, say A & B. I have correctly
the frame (banner & content) for the home page. When I click the
in the home page, it is correctly targetting to the pages A & B. But
if I type the url of the page A or B directly to the browser, the
whole page is opening without frame. Do I need to create a framepage
for each page A & B?

That is the expected behaviour. It is the frameset - your home page - that
opens A and B inside a frame. But going directly to it means that it is not
framed so it opens as a whole page.

Do you need to go directly to the frame pages ?
If not, don't worry about it


That is the expected behaviour. It is the frameset - your home page - that
opens A and B inside a frame. But going directly to it means that it is not
framed so it opens as a whole page.

Do you need to go directly to the frame pages ?
If not, don't worry about it
Trevor Lawrence
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
MVP Web Sitehttp://trevorl.mvps.org

I fear that people will not always come to the home page (framed page)
first. They may come to the pages A & B directly through search
engines or any other way. Then they will see the whole page. But I
want the frame show up for every page! What can I do? (I dont know
whether I am asking silly questions. I am a novish, so please forgive
me for that)


The best answer is - Do not use frames.
You are seeing the biggest problem when using framesets - this is
normal, and the reason why frames are not generally used nowadays.

To ensure that all pages open in a frame you will need to create dynamic
framesets, which ensure that when any page opens, it then opens the
frameset around it.
Look for suitable JavaScript at
or at http://irt.org/articles/js190/index.htm

Frames are not friendly to users who use search engines to find your
pages. In most cases, frames are not necessary.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
Reply only to group - emails will be deleted unread.
FrontPage Support: http://www.frontpagemvps.com/

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