A problem with counting the number of items after filtering records in reports.


Sam Hung

Hi All,

This time I found troubles in counting the number of
items "=Count([items])" or summing up the total amount "Sum
([cal_items])" in the report. Well, I had done filtering
in forms and reports. I guess it is the main point that
drives the problems in counting total. Am I right?

If so, what the command should be as I mentioned above?

Please help.

Jeff Boyce


What are you trying to accomplish? You've described some of the "how", but
I'm not clear on the "what"...

More info, please...

Jeff Boyce
<Access MVP>

Mercedes Howard

Hi Sam,
Did you go to Access Help? I went there and typed
in "How Do I Add Up a Column?" and I got a long list of
instructions. Try that and see if it helps.
Good Luck

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