A Problem with Side Notes and a Workaround



Side noteSide Notess are intended to provide quick notetaking access from
the tray. Yet, launching from the tray is not faster than launching either
a side note (onenotem.exe) or onenote.exe from the menu. It seems that
_only_ the icon is stored in the tray. How long is that? On my system,
seven seconds, consistently.

The way to get truly immediate access to OneNote is to launch onenotem.exe
and then minimize to the taskbar. If you prefer to have OneNote (i.e.
onenotem.exe) available in the tray, the workaround is to use a utility
that minimizes applications to the tray. A good free one is PowerMenu

The only drawback is you don't get a new sidenote automatically. You have
to press cmd-N either before or after writing a note.

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