A query with duplicates only



There is probably an easier way to do this than my
example, but I havn't found it. You can't edit data based
on a querry that uses aggregate functions of any kind, so
you need to do a make table query first, that outlines
duplicates, then you can do a join on that new table to
limit records to those items. Following is an example
based on a table called "Table". First is the make table,
second is the query update those counts in your table, and
third is the query to base your form on.

Make count table:
SELECT Table.Name, Sum(1) AS num INTO [Count]

GROUP BY Table.Name;

Update Num field (Have to add Num field to your table):
LEFT JOIN [Count] ON Table.Name =
Count.Name SET
.Num = [count].[num];

Query for your form:
SELECT Table.Name, Table.Note, Table.Num

WHERE (((Table.Num)>1));

Hope this helps.

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