a range area referred anywhere and repeatively on a new worksheetpage


Blinds Nottingham


I have a grid / table which has prices on which i wish to do
calculations on so i entered the information and then named it as a
range pricegrid (pricegrid refers to cells between (a1:d26))

I then create a new worksheet which i wish to refer to pricegrid on
the same page.

if i am refer to =pricegrid on the next worksheet and the rows and
columns exactly aligns with the value everything works

i now want to move to a14 and want to use =pricegrid it will show
value as it cant display in a different area

i presume i can use the offset function but how can i create value on
the first weeksheet which will identify the parameter to use in the
offset command

is this the best way ?? i am not too sure on the syntax of the offset
command but for the example would it be something like this

=offset(pricegrid,1,1,4,26) in the example given ?

thank you for any replies to point me in the right direction



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