Vik Rubenfeld
On my system, this is repeatable.
-- Open a document.
-- Click Save As.
-- Navigate to a folder you want to save the file to.
-- Press Command-O (that's a letter O) to open the folder. (Works fine
with most other OS-X apps).
-- The folder opens but there is no Save button -- in fact, you're in an
Open File dialog box.
-- Close the Open file dialog box.
On my installation, Word will crash at that point.
-- Open a document.
-- Click Save As.
-- Navigate to a folder you want to save the file to.
-- Press Command-O (that's a letter O) to open the folder. (Works fine
with most other OS-X apps).
-- The folder opens but there is no Save button -- in fact, you're in an
Open File dialog box.
-- Close the Open file dialog box.
On my installation, Word will crash at that point.