A required .DLL file, PSAPI.DLL, was not found



I am running Windows 98 and MS Office 97 Professional. I
tried to reinstall MS Word, but the installation CD only
allowed me to do a complete reinstallation. Everything
except Outlook reinstalled okay. When I try to run
Outlook, I get one of two messages and it does not run.
The message I get 80% to 85% of the time is "A
required .DLL file, PSAPI.DLL, was not found." and the
other 15% to 20% of the time is "The APITRAP.DLL file
cannot start."

I found several versions of PSAPI.DLL on my C: drive, and
thought I could figure out which was the correct one and
where to copy it to, but nothing worked. I searched the
MS Office 97 Professional CD for it, but could not find it.

Why did PSAPI.DLL not get copied properly during the
reinstallation, how can I find it on the CD and where do I
move it to on my C: drive?

Once I get the PSAPI.DLL problem resolved, will I have to
be concerned about the APITRAP.DLL file?

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