A Runtime Error has occured ...


Dariusz Tomon


I try to enter in configuration server section.
I get:

A Runtime Error has occured.
Line 1764
Error: Internet Server Error: Object/module not found

I debugged this error and found that this is connected with the line:
rs = oBusObj.BOAdminQuery( "ProjectServer", nQueryNumber, rgVBParams, 1,
591078756, 201660384, 65001 );

What could be the problem?

Best Regards

Darek T.

Rick Roszko

You need to be specific.

What were you doing when this error occured?
Is this a new server install?
Was this a working install and it stopped working?
Were you modifying something?

Please repost your question with better details. Thanks.

Dariusz Tomon

never mind I reinstalled my project server ... but now I cannot get it via
web without login as AD user. It means when I enter
http://www.idn.org.pl/projectserver/ in the browser I get window (for
integrated windows authentication) to login and after that I get normal
login page. Is it normal behaviour?


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