A searching question ---


Bob Perry

Is there a way in ON or an add on that will let me search only on page titles??

For instance: I have a page with the title "hair cut" with all the phone
numbers and hours of the shop. If I search for "hair" or "hair cut" I get
every page with the word "hair". that's nice but only when i want it that
way. I'd like to search for "hair" and just see one or two pages.

I suspect that this is not possible but worth a shot.

Rainald Taesler

Bob said:
Is there a way in ON or an add on that will let me search only on
page titles??

For instance: I have a page with the title "hair cut" with all the
phone numbers and hours of the shop. If I search for "hair" or "hair
cut" I get every page with the word "hair". that's nice but only
when i want it that way. I'd like to search for "hair" and just see
one or two pages.

I suspect that this is not possible but worth a shot.

Your assumption is correct. There is no way to restrict the search in
Page Titles.
But you can restrict the search to the current section and there should
but be too many pages with "hair cut".

BTW: For searching an *exact*phrase* (like in your example "hair cut")
just put the phrase in quotes. You will then just receive only pages
with this exact phrase.

P.S. As to page titles: Using the PowerToy "Table of Contents" you can
easily create a TOC at the top of each section with links to the pages.
If there are it too many pages in the section you can easily see the
"hair cut" ;-)

Bob Perry

yes I do use the TOC Power Toy. I quite like it actually.

I think the the real solution to my situation is some straight foreword
house cleaning and systematic organization. I keep quite a bit of
information on 3x5 cards -- as I get a new user name and password I usually
write them on a card when I'm going through the process of signing up. Then
into ON using a sheet scanner.

I'm thinking of using some special character at he beginning of each page
title eg, * for pone number and # for sign up info. Then all in a section
and run TOC and I'm set. Up til now I haven't paid much attention to naming
conventions but it may be time.

It's fun to look for better ways to do stuff.
BTW: I've been retired for 15 years so time is not much of a problem and the
motorcycles are put away for the year.

Bob Perry

Well that will teach me to look before I leap.

My Idea of using special characters does not work.

I'll do something else.


Rainald Taesler

Bob said:
Well that will teach me to look before I leap.

My Idea of using special characters does not work.

That's what I thought. But you were quicker than me ;-)
I'll do something else.

AFAICS you might use *Tags*. The help a lot.
You could create your own tags fir your categories.


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