Suzanne S. Barnhill
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Note, however, that Word is not the best application for printing tent-fold
cards of any description because Word does not have the ability to rotate
text 180 degrees (Publisher can do this). You can print tent-fold cards in
two passes, or you could use the double-rotation technique described in
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/DrwGrphcs/UpsideDownText.htm, but neither is as
satisfactory as using an application better designed for the purpose.
instead to
Note, however, that Word is not the best application for printing tent-fold
cards of any description because Word does not have the ability to rotate
text 180 degrees (Publisher can do this). You can print tent-fold cards in
two passes, or you could use the double-rotation technique described in
http://word.mvps.org/FAQs/DrwGrphcs/UpsideDownText.htm, but neither is as
satisfactory as using an application better designed for the purpose.