A VB problem with a if structure



Hi, trayng the following macro:
bla bla bla
If Cells(contr, 1) = NumeroDeControl Then
comp = 1
end if
bla bla bla

an error apears (ERR 2042), this happends because in the cell( contr,1) I
have the #N/A, but we know (you and me, because VB didn't)THE IF STRUCTURE IS
FALSE so my macro should jump the comp=1
How to thell VB that no matter what kind of value are in cells(contr,1) the
if structure must continue

I've tried everithing (declaring NumeroDeControl as string didn't work, not
declaring at all NumeroDeControl neither)


Check for the error before testing for the value:
If Not (IsError(Cells(1, 1))) Then
If Cells(1, 1) = NumeroDeControl Then
comp = 1
End If
End If

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