A very simple graph gives me headache!!



Hi All

I want to draw a "Demand" line graph. If the price of apples is $1 per kg,
the demand would be 100kg, if the price is $2 the demand would drop to 90kg,
etc... The example values are like this:
$2 ... 100
$4 ... 90
$6 ... 85
$8 ... 74
$10 ... 60
$12 ... 50

I created 2 columns Cost and Demand. If i just click a graph button on the
insert tab and select the graph, using the data in the columns it gives me 2
sets of values.

What i need is the x-axis to be qty demanded and the y-axis, the Price/kg.



I entered your values, gave each column a heading, hit the F11 key and
got a graph like the one you need..

Herman_KLF;333403 said:
Hi All

I want to draw a "Demand" line graph. If the price of apples is $1 per
the demand would be 100kg, if the price is $2 the demand would drop to
etc... The example values are like this:
$2 ... 100
$4 ... 90
$6 ... 85
$8 ... 74
$10 ... 60
$12 ... 50

I created 2 columns Cost and Demand. If i just click a graph button on
insert tab and select the graph, using the data in the columns it gives
me 2
sets of values.

What i need is the x-axis to be qty demanded and the y-axis, the



Nope, I got what i get the whole time, let me explain what i get:

There are 2 sets of values displayed on the graph, the cost values as well
as the values of the demands. X
I need only demand values and the other values should be the intervals on
the axis.

This would bee the graph that I need.

$14 |
$12 |
$10 |
$8 |
$6 |
$4 |
$2 |______________________________
0 20kg 40kg 60kg 80kg 100kg
Qty of Apples demanded

Thanks for your trouble.


What you require is exactly what I get...
Any way you could post your original sheet ( leaving confidential data
(It's possible on our forum)

Herman_KLF;333428 said:
Nope, I got what i get the whole time, let me explain what i get:

There are 2 sets of values displayed on the graph, the cost values as
as the values of the demands. X
I need only demand values and the other values should be the intervals
the axis.

This would bee the graph that I need.

$14 |
$12 |
$10 |
$8 |
$6 |
$4 |
$2 |______________________________
0 20kg 40kg 60kg 80kg 100kg
Qty of Apples demanded

Thanks for your trouble.

Cage Forums' (http://www.thecodecage.com/forumz/showthread.php?t=93167)

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