a window"File conversion" pop up in Word Docu. unable to read, he.



Lately When I open my Word Doucment, a window "File Conversion" pop up and
asked me to select the encoding to make my douc. readalbe, and nothing works.
That has not happened before. Any suggestions?

Thank you for the help in advance.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Are you sure the document you are trying to open is a Word document? If so,
try disabling the conversion prompt (Tools | Options | General: Confirm
conversion at Open) and see what happens.


Suzanne S. Barnhill said:
Are you sure the document you are trying to open is a Word document? If so,
try disabling the conversion prompt (Tools | Options | General: Confirm
conversion at Open) and see what happens.

Thank you Suzanne. This solve the problem.



Hi i Have the same problem but it didnt work in mine. Its a word document ive
tried ticking and unticking the General: conversion at Open but still its in
encoded text.

What do you the problem is?

Herb Tyson [MVP]

In that case, either it's not really a Word file, or the file has become


Could there be possibly any other way I could retrieve this document? What
if I use another computer would that work? or is the problem the file itself?
Im sure its a word document but now im starting to think its corrupted. How
could this have happened?

Herb Tyson [MVP]

I guess if we knew exactly how/why files become corrupted, then Microsoft
could fix Word and keep it from happening. One of the most "popular" ways
that files become corrupted is when users save files directly to a removable
disk from Word, rather than closing the file and copying to the removable
disk using Windows Explorer. Another common scenario is that Word
crashes/freezes while a file is open, and AutoRecover either isn't enabled
or misfires, and the improperly closed file no longer looks like a Word file
to Word.

Another thing to try... make a copy of the file and try Open and Repair
(assuming it's an option), which shows up as one of the options in the Open
button's dropdown menu in the Open dialog.

If that fails, yes, it's worth trying on another computer. You never can
tell. I've also had some success getting Word 2007 to open/repair files that
Word 2003 and earlier can't.


Any ideas on how all my floppy disks (yes I have a 3.5) and files on my flash
drive all which are word documents have all been corrupted? The files on my
flash drive were put there in May and I worked with them without porblem
going form my work computer to my home computer; the floppies contain files
that I update each year and now everyone of those along with the flashdrive
open with the converted file, encoded text dialog box and tools/options/
confirm conversion open etc does nothing and I don't have a dropdown menu in
my open dialog; anybody have any other suggestions????

Graham Mayor

Never ever read from, write to, or print from floppy with Word. These are
the most certain methods of ensuring document corruption.

Always copy to/from the hard disc and work on the document from there.

The same problems will occur with flash drives that are used to access Word
documents directly.

The reason for this is that Word creates temporary files of indeterminate
length in the current workspace. If it is unable to create those files the
medium will be corrupted. You *may* be able to recover some of the content
with file recovery software.
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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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