a With missing and I don´t know where and how to put it



I, I have this macro that look for a value between 2 numbers in column x and
the interpolate for a given value, the macro is:

Sub inter()
Dim Value
Dim a, P As Integer
Dim XRange As Range
Dim YRange As Range

Value = 5.5 'value given by the user (could be textbox1)
a = 1
Set XRange = Range("a1:a600")
Set YRange = Range("b1:b600")
While a < XRange.Rows.Count
If Value > Cells(a, 1) And Value < Cells(a + 1, 1) Then
P = a
Xs = Array(.Index(XRange.Value2, P, 1), .Index(XRange.Value2, P + 1,
Ys = Array(.Index(YRange.Value2, P, 1), .Index(YRange.Value2, P
+ 1, 1))
Interpolate = .Forecast(Value, Ys, Xs)
MsgBox Interpolate
a = a + 1
End If
End Sub

I know that those .Index and .Forecast needs a "with" and "end with"
but I don't know what kind of with (I thought With activeworksheet but it
didn't work)
so could someone tell me how to make my macro run????

Dave Peterson


Option Explicit
Sub inter()
Dim myValue As Variant
Dim a As Long
Dim P As Long
Dim XRange As Range
Dim YRange As Range
Dim Xs As Variant
Dim Ys As Variant
Dim Interpolate As Double

myValue = 5.5 'myValue given by the user (could be textbox1)
a = 1
Set XRange = Range("a1:a600")
Set YRange = Range("b1:b600")
While a < XRange.Rows.Count
If myValue > Cells(a, 1) And myValue < Cells(a + 1, 1) Then
P = a
With Application
Xs = Array(.Index(XRange.Value2, P, 1), _
.Index(XRange.Value2, P + 1, 1))
Ys = Array(.Index(YRange.Value2, P, 1), _
.Index(YRange.Value2, P + 1, 1))
Interpolate = .Forecast(myValue, Ys, Xs)
End With
MsgBox Interpolate
a = a + 1
End If
End Sub

I wouldn't use a variable by the name of Value. It may not confuse excel, but
it sure would confuse me.

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