Vladimír Cvajniga
For one of form's subforms I have a query with 3 tables:
SELECT Kniha.DATUZP, DPH.*, Val(Left([DPH].[TypDA],1))<5 AS Vstup, Abs(Not
(((Left([KNIHA].[TypDokl],1))="Z") And ((Left([DPH].[TYPDA],1)) Between "5"
And "8"))) AS bSoucet, [DPH].[ZAKLAD]*[bSoucet] AS sumZAKLAD,
[DPH].[DAN]*[bSoucet] AS sumDAN, [DPH].[SDANI]*[bSoucet] AS sumSDANI,
Year([DATUZP]) AS rokDoklad, Par3Uc02.RokUc AS rokParam,
DateSerial(Year([Kniha].[DATUZP]),Month([Kniha].[DATUZP]),1) AS zacDoklad,
DateSerial([Par3Uc02].[RokUC],[Par3Uc02].[MesUc],1) AS zacParam,
([Vstup]=True) And (([rokDoklad]<>[rokParam]) Or ([zacDoklad]>[zacParam]))
AS b1, ([Vstup]=False) And ([zacDoklad]<>[zacParam]) AS b2
FROM Par3Uc02, DPH INNER JOIN Kniha ON DPH.ID_Kniha = Kniha.ID_Kniha
Kniha: lookup table
Par3Uc02: parameter table (1 record)
DPH: main subform's data table
Calculated fields sumZaklad, sumDAN, sumZaklad are summed in form's header
Text32: =Sum([sumZAKLAD])
Text33: =Sum([sumDAN])
txtSumSdani: =Sum([sumSDANI])
Calculated fields b1 and b2 affect conditional formatting of some
text-boxes. The formatting is based on an expression:
[b1] Or [b2]
I need b1 and b2 for validation rules as well.
Subform's RecordsetType is set to 1, ie. Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates).
What I need:
1) have the sums in subform's header
2) when record(s) is (are) deleted: delete only record(s) in main data table
(DPH) and leave lookup table (Kniha) and parameter table (Par3Uc02)
3) avoid DLookups in query because they significantly slow down perfomance:
on my slow machine it takes <2.5 seconds to open (very complex) form
without DLookups, >5 seconds with DLookups; this is a "DLookups" query:
SELECT DLookUp("DATUZP","Kniha","ID_Kniha=" & CStr([DPH].[ID_Kniha])) AS
DATUZP, Left(DLookUp("TypDokl","Kniha","ID_Kniha=" &
CStr([DPH].[ID_Kniha])),1) AS TypDokl1, DPH.*, Val(Left([DPH].[TypDA],1))<5
AS Vstup, Abs(Not ((([TypDokl1])="Z") And ((Left([DPH].[TYPDA],1)) Between
"5" And "8"))) AS bSoucet, [DPH].[ZAKLAD]*[bSoucet] AS sumZAKLAD,
[DPH].[DAN]*[bSoucet] AS sumDAN, [DPH].[SDANI]*[bSoucet] AS sumSDANI,
Year([DATUZP]) AS rokDoklad, DLookUp("RokUc","Par3Uc02") AS rokParam,
DLookUp("MesUc","Par3Uc02") AS mesParam,
DateSerial(Year([DATUZP]),Month([DATUZP]),1) AS zacDoklad,
DateSerial([rokParam],[mesParam],1) AS zacParam, ([Vstup]=True) And
(([rokDoklad]<>[rokParam]) Or ([zacDoklad]>[zacParam])) AS b1,
([Vstup]=False) And ([zacDoklad]<>[zacParam]) AS b2
The problems I have:
1) without DLookups: DELETE deletes records in all three tables
2) with DLookups:
a) slow performance
b) can't find a way to delete records only from DPH and leave Kniha &
Par3Uc02 untouched (see "My scenario" below); I have a function selSQL (see
below) to create a filter for DELETE query (only from selected record(s)),
ie. "DELETE * from DPH WHERE " & strFilter, but I'm not sure which Before*
and After* event procedures should I use and how
3) there might be a problem with Par3Uc02 with only one record;
when I test deletion: first deletion seems to perform OK, next
deletion(s) give(s) me an error message while creating filter - debug stops
at .MoveFirst in selSQL (variable not set)
Public Function selSQL(frm As Variant, fldName As String, Optional apostrof
As Boolean) As String
Dim a As String, sq As String, rs As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer
a = IIf(apostrof, "'", "")
'jestliže je oznaèené pouze nová vìta, tak EXIT
If (frm.SelHeight < 2 And frm.NewRecord) Then Exit Function
If frm.SelHeight = 0 Then
selSQL = "(" & fldName & "=" & a & CStr(frm.Controls(fldName).Value) &
a & ")"
Exit Function
End If
sq = ""
Set rs = frm.RecordsetClone
With rs
.Move frm.SelTop - 1
For i = 1 To frm.SelHeight
If Not .EOF Then
sq = sq & a & CStr(rs(fldName).Value) & a & ","
End If
Next i
End With
Set rs = Nothing
sq = Left(sq, Len(sq) - 1)
sq = fldName & " in (" & sq & ")"
selSQL = sq
End Function
My scenario:
1) create filter sqDelete:
Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
sqDelete = selSQL(Me, "ID_DPH")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_BeforeDelConfirm(Cancel As Integer, Response As Integer)
Response = acDataErrContinue
Cancel = True
If MsgBox("Do you want to delete record(s)?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) =
vbYes Then
'create DELETE query with sqDelete as filter
'DoCmd.RunSQL strDeleteQuery
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
'create DELETE query with sqDelete as filter
'DoCmd.RunSQL strDeleteQuery
Status = acDeleteCancel
End If
End Sub
I think that 1) & 2b) should do what I want but I'm quite unsure... :-/
TYVM in advance.
P.S. Is there any way to create similar query, ie. with more than one table,
which (on deletion) doesn't delete record(s) in all tables?
SELECT Kniha.DATUZP, DPH.*, Val(Left([DPH].[TypDA],1))<5 AS Vstup, Abs(Not
(((Left([KNIHA].[TypDokl],1))="Z") And ((Left([DPH].[TYPDA],1)) Between "5"
And "8"))) AS bSoucet, [DPH].[ZAKLAD]*[bSoucet] AS sumZAKLAD,
[DPH].[DAN]*[bSoucet] AS sumDAN, [DPH].[SDANI]*[bSoucet] AS sumSDANI,
Year([DATUZP]) AS rokDoklad, Par3Uc02.RokUc AS rokParam,
DateSerial(Year([Kniha].[DATUZP]),Month([Kniha].[DATUZP]),1) AS zacDoklad,
DateSerial([Par3Uc02].[RokUC],[Par3Uc02].[MesUc],1) AS zacParam,
([Vstup]=True) And (([rokDoklad]<>[rokParam]) Or ([zacDoklad]>[zacParam]))
AS b1, ([Vstup]=False) And ([zacDoklad]<>[zacParam]) AS b2
FROM Par3Uc02, DPH INNER JOIN Kniha ON DPH.ID_Kniha = Kniha.ID_Kniha
Kniha: lookup table
Par3Uc02: parameter table (1 record)
DPH: main subform's data table
Calculated fields sumZaklad, sumDAN, sumZaklad are summed in form's header
Text32: =Sum([sumZAKLAD])
Text33: =Sum([sumDAN])
txtSumSdani: =Sum([sumSDANI])
Calculated fields b1 and b2 affect conditional formatting of some
text-boxes. The formatting is based on an expression:
[b1] Or [b2]
I need b1 and b2 for validation rules as well.
Subform's RecordsetType is set to 1, ie. Dynaset (Inconsistent Updates).
What I need:
1) have the sums in subform's header
2) when record(s) is (are) deleted: delete only record(s) in main data table
(DPH) and leave lookup table (Kniha) and parameter table (Par3Uc02)
3) avoid DLookups in query because they significantly slow down perfomance:
on my slow machine it takes <2.5 seconds to open (very complex) form
without DLookups, >5 seconds with DLookups; this is a "DLookups" query:
SELECT DLookUp("DATUZP","Kniha","ID_Kniha=" & CStr([DPH].[ID_Kniha])) AS
DATUZP, Left(DLookUp("TypDokl","Kniha","ID_Kniha=" &
CStr([DPH].[ID_Kniha])),1) AS TypDokl1, DPH.*, Val(Left([DPH].[TypDA],1))<5
AS Vstup, Abs(Not ((([TypDokl1])="Z") And ((Left([DPH].[TYPDA],1)) Between
"5" And "8"))) AS bSoucet, [DPH].[ZAKLAD]*[bSoucet] AS sumZAKLAD,
[DPH].[DAN]*[bSoucet] AS sumDAN, [DPH].[SDANI]*[bSoucet] AS sumSDANI,
Year([DATUZP]) AS rokDoklad, DLookUp("RokUc","Par3Uc02") AS rokParam,
DLookUp("MesUc","Par3Uc02") AS mesParam,
DateSerial(Year([DATUZP]),Month([DATUZP]),1) AS zacDoklad,
DateSerial([rokParam],[mesParam],1) AS zacParam, ([Vstup]=True) And
(([rokDoklad]<>[rokParam]) Or ([zacDoklad]>[zacParam])) AS b1,
([Vstup]=False) And ([zacDoklad]<>[zacParam]) AS b2
The problems I have:
1) without DLookups: DELETE deletes records in all three tables
2) with DLookups:
a) slow performance
b) can't find a way to delete records only from DPH and leave Kniha &
Par3Uc02 untouched (see "My scenario" below); I have a function selSQL (see
below) to create a filter for DELETE query (only from selected record(s)),
ie. "DELETE * from DPH WHERE " & strFilter, but I'm not sure which Before*
and After* event procedures should I use and how
3) there might be a problem with Par3Uc02 with only one record;
when I test deletion: first deletion seems to perform OK, next
deletion(s) give(s) me an error message while creating filter - debug stops
at .MoveFirst in selSQL (variable not set)
Public Function selSQL(frm As Variant, fldName As String, Optional apostrof
As Boolean) As String
Dim a As String, sq As String, rs As DAO.Recordset, i As Integer
a = IIf(apostrof, "'", "")
'jestliže je oznaèené pouze nová vìta, tak EXIT
If (frm.SelHeight < 2 And frm.NewRecord) Then Exit Function
If frm.SelHeight = 0 Then
selSQL = "(" & fldName & "=" & a & CStr(frm.Controls(fldName).Value) &
a & ")"
Exit Function
End If
sq = ""
Set rs = frm.RecordsetClone
With rs
.Move frm.SelTop - 1
For i = 1 To frm.SelHeight
If Not .EOF Then
sq = sq & a & CStr(rs(fldName).Value) & a & ","
End If
Next i
End With
Set rs = Nothing
sq = Left(sq, Len(sq) - 1)
sq = fldName & " in (" & sq & ")"
selSQL = sq
End Function
My scenario:
1) create filter sqDelete:
Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
sqDelete = selSQL(Me, "ID_DPH")
End Sub
Private Sub Form_BeforeDelConfirm(Cancel As Integer, Response As Integer)
Response = acDataErrContinue
Cancel = True
If MsgBox("Do you want to delete record(s)?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion) =
vbYes Then
'create DELETE query with sqDelete as filter
'DoCmd.RunSQL strDeleteQuery
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
If Status = acDeleteOK Then
'create DELETE query with sqDelete as filter
'DoCmd.RunSQL strDeleteQuery
Status = acDeleteCancel
End If
End Sub
I think that 1) & 2b) should do what I want but I'm quite unsure... :-/
TYVM in advance.
P.S. Is there any way to create similar query, ie. with more than one table,
which (on deletion) doesn't delete record(s) in all tables?