A2003, trouble using wizards



I'm a new Access user and can't get any wizards to run.
I've tried the wizards in tables, forms, and reports and
they all produce the same message "ActiveX component
can't create the object". Can anyone tell me why this
happens and how to fix it.

I'm reinstalled Office 2003 twice. No difference.


Mike Wachal

I'm a new Access user and can't get any wizards to run.
I've tried the wizards in tables, forms, and reports and
they all produce the same message "ActiveX component
can't create the object". Can anyone tell me why this
happens and how to fix it.

I'm reinstalled Office 2003 twice. No difference.


Hi Dennis,

This error typically indicates that you have the wrong service pack level
of Jet 4.0 installed, you need Jet 4.0 SP8 to run Acess 2003.

In order to update the version of Jet on your computer, got to
http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com and scan you computer. When you get the
list of updates, go into the list of recommended updates; if you find the
Jet 4.0 SP8 update listed, install it. (You should also consider installing
an critical updates that are listed.)

Once you install SP8, your wizards should work correctly.

Mike Wachal
Microsoft Corporation

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