The following code fails when the ".filter" method is invoked with an error
indicating that it doesn't support bookmarks. rstBoMDetail is an
ADODB.Recordset, open and not empty. I just added this code to this class.
Class has been working fine, using the rstBoMDetail recordset often. Anyone
know why?
With rstBoMDetail.clone
.Filter = "BoMID =" & NewID
If Not .EOF Then
.Find "BoMItemID=" & rstModelBill!BoMItemID, ,
adSearchForward, 1
End If
If Not .EOF Then
lngDupBomItemID = !BoMDetailID
End If
boolDup = Not .EOF
End With
indicating that it doesn't support bookmarks. rstBoMDetail is an
ADODB.Recordset, open and not empty. I just added this code to this class.
Class has been working fine, using the rstBoMDetail recordset often. Anyone
know why?
With rstBoMDetail.clone
.Filter = "BoMID =" & NewID
If Not .EOF Then
.Find "BoMItemID=" & rstModelBill!BoMItemID, ,
adSearchForward, 1
End If
If Not .EOF Then
lngDupBomItemID = !BoMDetailID
End If
boolDup = Not .EOF
End With