Joseph Geretz
Come on, isn't anyone working on this CR@P?
I've spent hundreds of dollars for software that can't be installed because
every installation I attempt is asking for this SKU011.CAB file which has
never, and will never exist!!! I have today, Sunday, budgeted for a VSTO
project and I can't get this off the ground because I can't even get the
damn thing installed!!!!
I've got Action Pack, I've got MSDN Universal. I've bought and paid for all
this software but I can't get this installed because Microsoft can't put
together a decent installer!!! I can't even repair my Office installation.
Same damn thing - it's looking for SKU011. What a bunch of garbage. I can't
even run LISTOOL successfully. I've slipped in my Action Pack CD, I've
slipped in my MSDN DVD but the LISTOOL won't recognize either media. What
the hell is it looking for?
Whoever put this CR@P together should be FIRED! I can say that because I
lead a team of developers and if we put our customers through this we'd all
be looking for work.
Sorry, I don't usually post flames of this nature to the NG, but I'm
completely and justifiably pissed. If Microsoft can't devleop an installer
to get this stuff off the DVD and onto my PC, then they should get the hell
out of the software business and leave it to those who can!!!
- Joseph Geretz -
I've spent hundreds of dollars for software that can't be installed because
every installation I attempt is asking for this SKU011.CAB file which has
never, and will never exist!!! I have today, Sunday, budgeted for a VSTO
project and I can't get this off the ground because I can't even get the
damn thing installed!!!!
I've got Action Pack, I've got MSDN Universal. I've bought and paid for all
this software but I can't get this installed because Microsoft can't put
together a decent installer!!! I can't even repair my Office installation.
Same damn thing - it's looking for SKU011. What a bunch of garbage. I can't
even run LISTOOL successfully. I've slipped in my Action Pack CD, I've
slipped in my MSDN DVD but the LISTOOL won't recognize either media. What
the hell is it looking for?
Whoever put this CR@P together should be FIRED! I can say that because I
lead a team of developers and if we put our customers through this we'd all
be looking for work.
Sorry, I don't usually post flames of this nature to the NG, but I'm
completely and justifiably pissed. If Microsoft can't devleop an installer
to get this stuff off the DVD and onto my PC, then they should get the hell
out of the software business and leave it to those who can!!!
- Joseph Geretz -