Help...I'm confusing myself...
Trying to determine an average per month, based on 12 months of numerical
data…but some of the cells have zero’s. Now…I need to divide the sum of
those 12 cells by 12 IF they ALL have numbers greater than 0. If any of the
12 cells has a 0…then I need to divide the sum of the 12 cells by the number
of cells that actually have a whole number. I.E.
13 13
2 2
3 0
4 4
5 = 27/5 = 5.4 5 = 24/4 =6 (This is the answer I need)
Been using the array formula: =AVERAGE(IF(I6:I17<>0, I6:I17,""))…which works
fine…. But some of the columns have ALL zero’s….and of course I get the
#DIV/0 error, so I tried the =SUM(I6:I17)/COUNTIF(I6:I17,">0") on all the
columns, didn’t work (divides the sum of the cells by ALLS including the zero
cells)…so I need to use ONE array formula, plus something??? to give me a
zero total on the zero column. Because it affects the formula I use later to
calculate Quarterly averages….(maybe I need to do a format change???)
Yep...I am confused…
Whew….anyone can help me with this…I’d be truly grateful….
Trying to determine an average per month, based on 12 months of numerical
data…but some of the cells have zero’s. Now…I need to divide the sum of
those 12 cells by 12 IF they ALL have numbers greater than 0. If any of the
12 cells has a 0…then I need to divide the sum of the 12 cells by the number
of cells that actually have a whole number. I.E.
13 13
2 2
3 0
4 4
5 = 27/5 = 5.4 5 = 24/4 =6 (This is the answer I need)
Been using the array formula: =AVERAGE(IF(I6:I17<>0, I6:I17,""))…which works
fine…. But some of the columns have ALL zero’s….and of course I get the
#DIV/0 error, so I tried the =SUM(I6:I17)/COUNTIF(I6:I17,">0") on all the
columns, didn’t work (divides the sum of the cells by ALLS including the zero
cells)…so I need to use ONE array formula, plus something??? to give me a
zero total on the zero column. Because it affects the formula I use later to
calculate Quarterly averages….(maybe I need to do a format change???)
Yep...I am confused…
Whew….anyone can help me with this…I’d be truly grateful….