I'm not exactly sure why I just decided to reply seriously to some of your
concerns, but I did, so read on.
For example, I've lost count the number of times I've had to delete and
reset my preferences because the sub-menus of all the menu bar menus
suddenly disappear, and yet there is no option in the Preferences that
I can see to actually turn those off (or why anyone would want to).
Sounds like you're in Word 2001? In that case, you have a perfectly
legitimate gripe in regard to losing your menus. However, it's my
understanding that Microsoft was never able to repro this bug and it's very
difficult to fix a bug that you can't repro. I know that when I was still
in Word 2001, I could never figure out what steps led to my menus going
south. Can you?
At any rate, this bug is gone in later versions of Word, but unless your
company upgrades, that doesn't do you any good. The one semi-workaround
that could make life less painful for you (assuming that what really ticks
you off is having to reset your preferences every time this happens) is
Next time you lose your menus ... trash your settings file, reset your
prefs, and then make a copy of the new file with all your preferred
settings. Then whenever you lose your menus again, you can trash your bad
settings file and replace it with a copy of the copy (which you would rename
to the exact name of the original file). At least this way, you don't have
to reset every time this happens.
Other continuous problems include Word crashing at various times,
usually getting shorter and shorter "useful" periods until it simply
won't run at all and has to be completely erradicated from the hard
drive and reinstalled.
This should be fixable! It could be caused by a number of things but you
should not have to reinstall Word continually. If you want to work on
getting to the bottom of the problem, post back with more details
including your exact OS and Word version numbers and a better attitude and
I'll do whatever I can to help you solve this.
In closing, don't make me sorry I took the time to reply to your post.
***Please always reply to the newsgroup!***
Beth Rosengard
MacOffice MVP
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