Ability to link to any entity in Outlook


Frustrated 2899821

Would be a great advantage to be able to link to any entity in Outlook. This
way the entity would exist in Outlook, but could be referenced in OneNote.

One application could be project contact lists. This would allow the
OneNote page to be a list of people for which there are outlook contacts, but
would link to the contacts.

It should link to the actual contact (or task, email message, meeting,
journal entry, Note...) so that if the task/email/contact is moved, the link
in OneNote would still find it.


Harold Kimmey

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.


Rainald Taesler

Frustrated said:
Would be a great advantage to be able to link to any entity in
Outlook. This way the entity would exist in Outlook, but could be
referenced in OneNote.

One application could be project contact lists. This would allow
the OneNote page to be a list of people for which there are outlook
contacts, but would link to the contacts.

It should link to the actual contact (or task, email message,
meeting, journal entry, Note...) so that if the task/email/contact
is moved, the link in OneNote would still find it.

I agree that the co-operation between OL and ON might be improved.

You may post this as a suggestion for the next version in "Connect",
the place for submitting suggestions and bug reports to the developers

When done, pls drop a note with the URL in here so that we can jump in
and vote for your suggestion.


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