Ability to rename subpages



I really like the functionality in OneNote that automatically names the
subpage by the first line I write. However, there are times when writing
recognition makes an error and thus the title is wrong and there are other
times that the title I'd like might not make sense in terms of the first line
of my notes. I think that the auto title should be the default, but I'd like
the ability to rename a subpage if the need arises.

Micah Brodsky

Yes, but how do you get it to change its default recognition of the
handwriting without converting to text?

I would second Jay's feature request. (Of course, that introduces the
interesting semantic question of what to do about the automatic renaming
feature when you change the first line... Personally, I think OneNote should
be more flexible about its page hierarchy from the get-go. A subpage should
be just as powerful as a page, and itself should be able to hold further
subpages, ad infinitum. I find these paper notebook-like restrictions to be
bothersome and artificial.

As for these details, the title of a page or subpage should both probably be
the first line, automatically updated, if and only if no explicit title is
entered. The date of each subpage should be maintained separately from its
parent. Etc.)

Just my $0.02, plus vested interest. ;)

--Micah Brodsky

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook

Oh...you're talking about handwritten lines. In that case there isn't any
way to do it (that I know of) without recognizing the handwriting as text.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
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