Able to customize distance between lines in One Note



It would be very nice to be able to customize the distance between the
writing lines in One Note more than just the regular wide space and college
rule. The wide space tends to be too wide and the college rule too skinny,
especially with a tablet PC stylus. The stylus's tip is too fat to write
that perfectly between the lines on a smooth surface. Being able to adjust
the space between the lines would be a HUGE help. Thank you very much for
looking into it, I look forward to hearing back from you.

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Erik Sojka (MVP)

That may be a feature included in a future version. The lines were
intended to advance the "paper" metaphor OneNote has. The three choices
for rule lines represent the three choices you get when you're buying
filler paper.

FWIW, I've never had a problem with the size of the lines. You can
change the size of the pen in OneNote to one which will work for you, and
you can also change the zoom setting to better accommodate how you write.

You can also skip a line when writing. The rule lines are completely
aesthetic and do not get printed out. They help primarily in helping
you keep your handwriting on a straight horizontal line (kinda like in
grade school!).

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