Abort loop in Outlook 2003


Howard Brazee

I have Windows 2003 on a W2K machine.
When I start Outlook it appears to start - and I can see new messages, but then
I get a window:

Microsoft Office Outlook has encountered a promise and needs to close.

The "Please tell Microsoft about the problem" error report is short. I have to
uncheck the restart Outlook or it continues to happen.

Checking the event viewer, I find:

Bucket 124789978, bucket table 1, faulting application outlook.exe, version
11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937, faulting module outex.dll, version 11.0.6354.0,
stamp 409a5b8b, debug? 0, fault address 0x0006c05b.

Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937, faulting
module outex.dll, version 11.0.6354.0, stamp 409a5b8b, debug? 0, fault address

We've uninstalled Office several times - and at least one time it ran - until we
installed the critical upgrades.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Did you uninstall Outlook Express? Outlook requires that Express also be

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. Due to
the (insert latest virus name here) virus, all mail sent to my personal
account will be deleted without reading.

After furious head scratching, Howard Brazee asked:

| I have Windows 2003 on a W2K machine.
| When I start Outlook it appears to start - and I can see new
| messages, but then I get a window:
| Microsoft Office Outlook has encountered a promise and needs to close.
| The "Please tell Microsoft about the problem" error report is short.
| I have to uncheck the restart Outlook or it continues to happen.
| Checking the event viewer, I find:
| Information:
| Bucket 124789978, bucket table 1, faulting application outlook.exe,
| version
| 11.0.6353.0, stamp 408f2937, faulting module outex.dll, version
| 11.0.6354.0, stamp 409a5b8b, debug? 0, fault address 0x0006c05b.
| Error
| Faulting application outlook.exe, version 11.0.6353.0, stamp
| 408f2937, faulting module outex.dll, version 11.0.6354.0, stamp
| 409a5b8b, debug? 0, fault address 0x0006c05b.
| We've uninstalled Office several times - and at least one time it ran
| - until we installed the critical upgrades.

Howard Brazee

Did you uninstall Outlook Express? Outlook requires that Express also be

No, we did not. I do note that all of the W2K upgrades have been installed,
except for one critical OE one which keeps failing.

Are you recommending that I uninstall OE, uninstall Office, then install OE then
try that fix and then uninstall Office?

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