about delete



I have a range name "FLOW" and i can't delete it from
menu (insert-define-name etc") because the last character is strange to
excel .
When i am trying to delete it from menu, or change the reference it creates
a new name without the last character "".
So i thought to delete it from vba without give the whole name of the range

Tom Ogilvy

go into tools=>Options and select R1C1 referencing in the general menu.
Now go back and change it back by unselecting R1C1.

You should be prompted for names that Excel is having problems with as to
whether you want to delete them or not. Hopefully your problematic name
will be presented.

This was a hint posted in the newsgroups a while back - I haven't had the
opportunity/need to try it.


No this did't worked couse the range name has this reference in an external
" '[worksheet in presentation ]#ref!#ref "

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Tom,
This was a hint posted in the newsgroups a while back - I
haven't had the
opportunity/need to try it.

It will work. Excel will prompt for a new (valid) name for
each corrupt one it finds (in all open workbooks!). After
that, one can delete the changed names.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel TA/MVP


Just a thought, but in old school we are taught that you can get those
funkiefied characters by holding down the ALT key, and typing the 3 digit
Extended Ascii code on the numeric keypad (the 10-key pad). For example
holding down the alt+159 on the keypad give you this character : f

gus said:
No this did't worked couse the range name has this reference in an external
" '[worksheet in presentation ]#ref!#ref "

gus said:
I have a range name "FLOW" and i can't delete it from
menu (insert-define-name etc") because the last character is strange to
excel .
When i am trying to delete it from menu, or change the reference it creates
a new name without the last character "".
So i thought to delete it from vba without give the whole name of the range

Tom Ogilvy

Try downloading Jan Karl Pieteriese's Name Manager from Stephen Bullen's

Perhaps it will be able to delete the name:


Tom Ogilvy

gus said:
No this did't worked couse the range name has this reference in an external
" '[worksheet in presentation ]#ref!#ref "

gus said:
I have a range name "FLOW" and i can't delete it from
menu (insert-define-name etc") because the last character is strange to
excel .
When i am trying to delete it from menu, or change the reference it creates
a new name without the last character "".
So i thought to delete it from vba without give the whole name of the range

Tom Ogilvy

You were the one I was quoting, but as you can see in a later post, I kind
of butchered the spelling of your name, so I hadn't attempted it here.
Sorry about the misspelling.

Jan Karel Pieterse

Hi Tom,
Sorry about the misspelling.

presonlly I nveer mkae tpoys. <vbg>

This is an interesting piece of text:

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht
oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist
and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. >The rset can be a total mses and you
can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not
raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.


Jan Karel Pieterse
Excel TA/MVP

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