About hit counters


John Berg

Is there a way to place a hitcounter on a web page without the website
viewer seeing it but the webmaster can?


erase the graphics...the cgi script is still there and you can check it
using the data file it generates!
just open it like a text file to see the result of the hits!

Offen Rong

John Berg said:
Is there a way to place a hitcounter on a web page without the website
viewer seeing it but the webmaster can?
You can also put it inside a 1 pixel table.

John Berg

This is the actual code for the hit counter. Where do I read the stored
value? I've found where the intial value of the Hitcounter is stored by not
the actual.

<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" u-custom i-image="4" i-resetvalue="13100"
PREVIEW="&lt;strong&gt;[Hit Counter]&lt;/strong&gt;"

i-digits="6" startspan -->

alt="Hit Counter">

<!--webbot bot="HitCounter" i-checksum="9608" endspan -->

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