About project workspace - Documents (allow access)



Where in PWA can i go and enable and disable the access for creating
documents specific to a workspace.

If i assign a resource to a project and on project centre if he clicks on
project and goes to

Go To -> Project Workspace
Another window will open local to that project. There when he clicks on
Documents link he shoudl be able to add/upload documents.
Where in PWA should i allow/disallow access.


Gary Chefetz


In order for a team member to get this permission, you must:

Add the resource to the project plan
Add the resource to a task
Publish the project


Hi Gary,
Thanks for the inputs. As you said i added the resource for a few tasks in
projProf and published the plan.
But still when the user logs in and selects proj in ProjCentre and goes to
the Project workspace he is not able to see the links to create New or upload

What did u mean when you said "Add resource to proj plan" its as good as
adding him to a task right?
Please mark me if i am wrong

Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Max,

I assume that you have publised the project once you assigned the resource
to a task ( yes, when you chose the resource from the global resource pool
and move him to your project, thats when you add him to your project).

If not, please re-publish the project, then it should work. If not go to PWA
Server Settings, Project workspaces and select the project, then click the
sync button.
That should do the trick
Hope this helps


Yup Marc, that was like a SPLASH!!!
I got it now.

So minor things but not working practically would put us in lots of trouble
Only after i did the synchronize i got it
Thanks so much for your help on this questions
Warm Regards

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