About split database


Michelle Lee

Hi!! I've just recently split my database where the BE is located on the
network server and everyone else has a copy of the FE on their own
desktop/laptop. My boss travels quite frequently. I'm wondering, how can I
make it so that he can access all the data from the database from his laptop
while he's overseas and when he's back, he can synchronise it? Is there a way
to work around this issue? Your feedback will be very much appreciated.


Tom Wickerath

Hi Michelle,

This is the scenerio that replication was designed to handle. You should
only try implementing replication on a *copy* of your database, not on the
original. I am not a replication expert, but I do advice you to download a
copy of the replication white paper from Microsoft:

ACC2000: Jet 4.0 Replication White Papers Available in MSDN Online

Here is a KB article that may also be helpful:

ACC2000: How to Make a Database Replicable

Although both titles include "ACC2000", the information should be equally
valid for Access 2002 and 2003. I would also head on over to Michael Kaplan's
web site and read everything you can find on replication:


If my answer has helped you, please answer yes to the question that reads
"Did this post answer the question?" at the bottom of the message thread.




Hi!! I've just recently split my database where the BE is located on the
network server and everyone else has a copy of the FE on their own
desktop/laptop. My boss travels quite frequently. I'm wondering, how can I
make it so that he can access all the data from the database from his laptop
while he's overseas and when he's back, he can synchronise it? Is there a way
to work around this issue? Your feedback will be very much appreciated.


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