About The Critical Path


Neil M


I am relatively new to scheduling and although I understand the basics,
there is a lot that I have to learn.

I am having trouble understanding the critical path and how it works. I was
under the assumption that the critical path was items that you defined when
creating the schedule. For example, if I am building a high rise office
bulding. Everyhting is dependent on the iron workers installing the steel. If
there is no steel then there are no concrete floors, nothing to hook plumbing
to, nothing to build walls on and run cunduit etc etc. So I thought I would
make that the crtical path (all the slab concrete placement)

Now, if am understanding it right, the critical path is something that
develops itself over time and continually changes as the schedule is upadated
every two weeks.

Is my understanding correct?
Can anyone give me a detailed answer on how it works. I have a "sample"
schedule" that someone sent me to look at and it has a column that tells you
whether or not the item is critical, but I cannot seem to get that column to
appear. Also, I cannot find andy type of check box or drop down that lets me
define of the item is critical.

I hope this is enough information.



Hello Neil,

Here are some links that may help explain critical path.



A short answer is critical path is not something you decide and can turn
off or on. Critical path is determined mathematically and does change
based upon changes you make to the project schedule.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

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Steven Douglass

Hi Neil.

Crtical paths, as I understand them, are a sequence of tasks that if delayed
will cause the complete project to be delayed.

The example you provided about the installaing the steel is only "on the
critical path" if it affects the deadline of the project. Based on your
example, it seems that the installation of the steel is a DEPENDENCY for many
other tasks, but unless it's delay causes a project timeline slippage, it is
not necessarily on the critical path.

In project pro (Gantt Chat view), you can select the 'Critical' filter (the
filter is probably 'All Tasks' right now) which will reveal all tasks that
are on the critical path. You can also see that critical path tasks, when
combined, actually define the full duration of a project and if one slips,
moves the project finish date out.

If a task duration slips and does NOT affect the project finish date, it is
NOT considered on the critical path and has what's called 'slack' or room to

Hope this helps. Good luck.

Neil M

Julie / Steven:

After reading both your responses and viewing the attached links, I have a
MUCH BETTER understanding of the CPM process. Thank you very much for your
input and your responses have both been rated.



Hello Neil,

I'm glad you have a better understanding of CPM. Glad to have helped
and thanks for the feedback.

Project MVP

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