About word editting



I want a document can only be read, and can not be editted and printed. How can I do with it?


Carve it in stone.

Seriously, can't be done. PDF is the nearest, but even then there's nothing
to stop someone re-creating the it. Typing is not difficult or expensive.

gulfee said:
I want a document can only be read, and can not be editted and printed.
How can I do with it?


If I do not mind that someone retype it or copy the file, how can I do it with the word. Because there's about 100 files that I do not want my stuff editting it, they can reading it but I do not want them printing and printing it again.


What bit of "can't be done" don't you understand? I'm sorry if that's not
the answer you want, but life's like that.

gulfee said:
If I do not mind that someone retype it or copy the file, how can I do it
with the word. Because there's about 100 files that I do not want my stuff
editting it, they can reading it but I do not want them printing and
printing it again.

Klaus Linke

gulfee said:
If I do not mind that someone retype it or copy the file,
how can I do it with the word. Because there's about
100 files that I do not want my stuff editting it, they can
reading it but I do not want them printing and printing it again.

Hi gulfee,

You can check out "Tools > Security" in the "File > Save as" dialog.

In Word 2003, also "Menu: Tools > Protect Document > Editing restrictions".

says you can also restrict file printing, but I haven't figured that out
yet, because I haven't installed the Information Rights Manager.
Click on "File > Permission > Do not distribute..." if you want to try.



But I have ever got a file which is edited whith microsoft word 2000. And that file can not be edited and printed, so if you want, I can send it to you by e-mail

----- Jezebel 编写: ----

What bit of "can't be done" don't you understand? I'm sorry if that's no
the answer you want, but life's like that

gulfee said:
If I do not mind that someone retype it or copy the file, how can I do i
with the word. Because there's about 100 files that I do not want my stuf
editting it, they can reading it but I do not want them printing an
printing it again

Word Heretic

G'day gulfee <[email protected]>,

File > Save As > Tools > General Options


Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

gulfee was spinning this yarn:

Word Heretic

G'day "Klaus Linke" <[email protected]>,

Even easier than that mate, just include the default Print subroutines
with a null entry in your modules and overwrite the built-in ones...

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Klaus Linke was spinning this yarn:


To print your W2000 document:

Method 1: open it with WordPerfect.

Method 2: use the security settings to disable all macros. Reset the menus.

Method 3: create a new document. Insert the old.

gulfee said:
But I have ever got a file which is edited whith microsoft word 2000. And
that file can not be edited and printed, so if you want, I can send it to
you by e-mail.


Easy to defeat that: Open the document with macros disabled. Reset the Tools
menu if necessary to display the Macros option. Bring up the Macros dialog.
Select Word Commands from the 'Macros In' dialog. Select FilePrint.

Klaus Linke

Word Heretic said:
G'day "Klaus Linke" <[email protected]>,

Even easier than that mate, just include the default Print subroutines
with a null entry in your modules and overwrite the built-in ones...

Hi Steve,

Well, you know best that this can only be an "encouragement" not to print
from Word.
Anybody with a smattering of VBA knowledge can print anyway.
You'd have to do install it on every machine, and I guessed that gulfee
wanted to protect just some of the files, not all.

If the IRM solution doesn't work, or the version of Word doesn't support it,
it might be the only possibility, though.


Word Heretic

G'day "Klaus Linke" <[email protected]>,

Totally - but that seems to be what the poor fella needs. Its a
pragmatic thing, rather than a means of keeping Jez's clever fingers
out. Quite frankly, using WordPad tricks are an exceptionally easy way
of defeating everything discussed as well. So rather than be super
clever and waste time, a few simple measures _discourage_ the
undesired activity.

BTW Jez, I once wrote a small nasty to stop tricky little buggers like
yerself. One encodes the text which can only be uncoded by the
autoopen routine - which if macros are disabled doesn't run and the
decrypt never occurs :) If it does run, your stuck with my lockouts.
Even that was defeatable though, so ya just canna win. Puter reads,
puter writes.

That same job I also had to protect some highly sensitive hardcopy
from casual photocopying or OCR. Printing at <80% black on saturated
dark red stock worked nicely for that one... even a nice color laser
copier produced illegible results.

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Klaus Linke was spinning this yarn:


A while ago someone posted a document encrypted in exactly the fashion you
describe. The unencrypted document was posted back (not by me) 15 minutes
later. (Trawl the archive if you're keen to find out how it was done.) I'm
not a hacker (just a programmer) -- but defeating these measures is, truly,
trivial for anyone with a mind to do so.

Word Heretic

G'day "Jezebel" <[email protected]>,

I find _most_ Word users don't have these skills Jez. Every time we
raise the technology level of the protection, another SD of the ogive
drops out. Like I said, the break was pretty damn easy, just you
needed to know what you were doing. About 3 mins work, if done

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Jezebel was spinning this yarn:


Absolutely right. Most users don't. For that matter, most users will respect
a polite request. And the ones that won't behave as asked are precisely the
ones who DO have the skills. For my money this makes the whole exercise a
waste of time. You annoy the ordinary user without hindering the malicious.

Word Heretic

G'day "Jezebel" <[email protected]>,

I'm inclined to agree with you for the majority - but sometimes
management doesn't concur :)

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Jezebel was spinning this yarn:

Jonathan West

Word Heretic said:
G'day "Jezebel" <[email protected]>,

I'm inclined to agree with you for the majority - but sometimes
management doesn't concur :)

In that case, professionals in the field have a responsibility to tell
management what forms of security so and don't work. They aren't responsible
if management chooses not to listen....

Word Heretic

G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

Hang on - are you implying you can get management to listen to you?
What's the secret? Cattle-prods? Bribes? Electrodes on sensitive parts
of the body? :)

Steve Hudson
Word Heretic Sydney Australia
Tricky stuff with Word or words

Email: WordHeretic at tpg.com.au

Jonathan West was spinning this yarn:

Jonathan West

Word Heretic said:
G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

Hang on - are you implying you can get management to listen to you?
What's the secret? Cattle-prods? Bribes? Electrodes on sensitive parts
of the body? :)

No, the objective is to have it on record that you warned them, so that when
they ignore the warning and it all goes wrong, you can say "I *told* you
so!" <g>

Word Heretic

G'day "Jonathan West" <[email protected]>,

Ah yes, I am VERY familiar with that technique :) You have to
practice in the mirror to get that smug, self-satisfied, I'm superior
look down to where it's just a smidgin short of offensive. hehehehe

Steve Hudson

Jonathan West was spinning this yarn:

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