Absolute and relative sizes in Visio




(Visio SDK, .NET Framework 3.5)

I am trying to figure out how to get absolute pin values for all the objects
I programmatically create within a Visio page.

Because I want to use groups, I have some objects that are relatively
positioned within the group. However I am struggling trying to get meaningful
pin values from these objects.

Here is the method I am trying to use:

I check to see whether the containing shape is the page or another object.

If the containing shape is the page, then I am safe, and can use the value
retrieved from Visio.VisCellIndices.visXFormPinX in the shapesheet.

If the shape is part of a group, then I try using the XYToPage method on the
shape to get the absolute page pin values. This almost works, but is always
above by about 1 cm.

I should also mention that I am using "cm" by default. However, changing the
page units doesn't seem to have much affect.

Wondering if anyone has had success with the XYToPage method?




Ok, it would be good to use the API directly though. Surely these XYToPage
functions actually work given a certain environment.

Do you have any code that executes sheet functions?




XYtoPage returns values in inches.
But, Yes Visio, seems, has bags.

Shapesheet functions and XYtoPage soetimes return the same wrong values.
Especially when the child shape rotates.
I think there is no medicine other than pure mathematical calculations.

Next are my test macros.
Option Explicit

For ShapeSheetFunctions, the page need to have user-defined cells,
User.pin, User.x and User.y , and
User.x = PNTX(User.pin)
and User.y = PNTY(User.pin)

Sub ShapeSheetFunctions()
Dim shp As Visio.Shape
Dim I As Long, N As Long
N = 1000
For I = 1 To N
Set shp = ShapeFromID(I)
If Not shp Is Nothing Then
If shp.Parent.Type = visTypeGroup Then
ActivePage.PageSheet.Cells("User.pin").Formula = _
"PAR(PNT(Sheet." & I & "!PinX,Sheet." & I & "!PinY))"
ElseIf shp.Parent.Type = visTypePage Then
ActivePage.PageSheet.Cells("User.pin").Formula = _
"PNT(Sheet." & I & "!PinX,Sheet." & I & "!PinY)"
End If
Debug.Print I,
ActivePage.PageSheet.Cells("User.x").Result("mm"), _
End If
End Sub

Sub VBAXYToPage()
Dim shp As Visio.Shape
Dim I As Long, N As Long
Dim x As Double, y As Double
On Error GoTo ERRMSG
N = 1000
For I = 1 To N
Set shp = ShapeFromID(I)
If Not shp Is Nothing Then
If shp.Parent.Type = visTypeGroup Then
shp.XYToPage shp.Cells("PinX"), shp.Cells("PinY"), x, y
Debug.Print I, shp.NameU, x * 25.4, y * 25.4
ElseIf shp.Parent.Type = visTypePage Then
Debug.Print I, shp.NameU, shp.Cells("PinX").Result("mm"),
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub

Function ShapeFromID(ID As Long) As Visio.Shape
On Error GoTo ERRHND
Set ShapeFromID = ActivePage.Shapes.ItemFromID(ID)
Exit Function
Set ShapeFromID = Nothing
End Function

Best Regards.

Now, visual calculation is more visual.


Ok thanks. It's good to know that it's not just me.

The way I solved this situation was to actually use the grouping
functionality within Visio. Doing this I can move the group around which
automatically moves all the objects inside around. This suits for 90% of my
requirements. The other 10% I use absolute positioning and ungroup all the
group objects.

I guess you could come up with your own implementation of this function by
recursively looking through each shape within a shape within a shape. Then
calculating the co-ords all the way up the shape tree. This is what I thought
was implemented by XYToPage but obviously not.

Thanks for all your help.


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