concerning http://groups.google.com/group/micr.../browse_thread/thread/ee40a74bb3e8d3c0?hl=en#
I took all of you sugestions, I'm now:
1. Using Dynamic Web Templates - Love Them
2. For text I do not want resized (Mainly Banners) I convert to an
Image, and
3. I'm using absoltue postion/fixed sized <div>s with Z-Indexing as
needed. Love It!
On #3: It works as presecibed with the exception of one absoltue
postion/fixed sized <div> with a Z-Indexing that will shift down about
10 pixels - it holds it horizontal positioning, but not the vertical.
But it is close enough! This is the Template that his pitures n the
right side - the to of the pics are set to be just 1 pix below the top
banner, but ain't!
here is the site:
The other private site I maintain I'm working on converting over to
the above to make my life easier!!
Thanks for all of your help!
I took all of you sugestions, I'm now:
1. Using Dynamic Web Templates - Love Them
2. For text I do not want resized (Mainly Banners) I convert to an
Image, and
3. I'm using absoltue postion/fixed sized <div>s with Z-Indexing as
needed. Love It!
On #3: It works as presecibed with the exception of one absoltue
postion/fixed sized <div> with a Z-Indexing that will shift down about
10 pixels - it holds it horizontal positioning, but not the vertical.
But it is close enough! This is the Template that his pitures n the
right side - the to of the pics are set to be just 1 pix below the top
banner, but ain't!
here is the site:
The other private site I maintain I'm working on converting over to
the above to make my life easier!!
Thanks for all of your help!