absolutely cannot resolve timeout error



OL 2002 (10.6515.6626) SP3

Follow-up to: *microsoft.public.outlook*

(this message is cross-posted to the newsgroups that appear in the
headers. To reply, just click "Reply" in news client and it will go to
the follow-up newsgroup *microsoft.public.outlook*, where u can follow
the thread. Thanks.)


I am constantly receiving error message:

Task 'smtp server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error
(0x8004210A): 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the
receiving (POP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact
your server administrator or Internet service provide (ISP).'

I have applied fix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827349/ by creating
additional registry entry "UseInetcommCS"--just in case--but no change.

I HAVE office SP3 so i shouldn't even have to add the registry key....

I have contacted tech support at:
a) ISP and no problems there.
b) hosting company: no problems there
c) local telephone company--even had them change telephone switches
which appeared rusty, etc. to brand new ones--just in case.
d) completely uninstalled Trend Micro PC Cillin Internet Security and
done a clean reinstall with tech support
e) made sure that firewall and mail scanning both incoming and outgoing
were disabled
f) I am only running a Linksys NAT router with default
configuration--nothing customized.

Still no change. Same error message.
It works, it doesn't work, it works, etc. Once it starts giving the
error message, I usually need to restart OL and then it works again, etc.

The problem does NOT occur using a different email client--thus the
problem is with OL.

I was even thinking of buying the upgraded to Office 2003 just to get
rid of this problem but, searching thru newsgroups, the problem exist in
OL2003 as well.....

I am at my wits end....it is affecting my business email, etc.

Surely, there are some bright minds out there with experience with this
that can help......

Brian Tillman



Brian, tx for the links and help.
I will definitely look into that.

(I can't understand why ur reply went this newsgroup
microsoft.public.outlook.installation as opposed to the follow-up
newsgroup microsoft.public.outlook; i dt want to have same threads
multiple times in different newsgroups. did u change the newsgroup when
u replied by any chance? just trying to understand....)

(try to just have microsoft.public.outlook as a newsgroup when u reply,
that way the thread can be followed by many people reading different
newsgroups but all in 1 location, u know what i mean :)


Brian, oooooops!
cancel my idiotic remarks re. the follow-up groups.
It is I that made a mistake in defining the follow-up group to
microsoft.public.outlook.installation instead of

THIS POST IS BEING FOLLOWED IN *microsoft.public.outlook.installation*


to get back to the subject at hand, i do not run DSL PPPoE so the "fix"
to reduce MTU from 1500 to 1492 or < does not apply....

Hal Hostetler [MVP P/I]

It could still be an MTU problem and 1492 is not necessarily the correct
value. Linksys has a page detailing how to determine the proper setting:

Determining the Proper MTU size

Hal Hostetler, CPBE -- (e-mail address removed)
Senior Engineer/MIS -- MS MVP-Print/Imaging -- WA7BGX
http://www.kvoa.com -- "When News breaks, we fix it!"
KVOA Television, Tucson, AZ. NBC Channel 4
Still Cadillacin' - www.badnewsbluesband.com


Did you resolve this? I have lots of sending problems with Outlook
2003, they keep cropping up no matter how many new Dell computers I


No, unfortunately.
I lowered the MTU on my Linksys router to 1365 (just in case) but no
change at all....
I am really frustrated and getting upset that i cannot have a stable OL
that can check emails.
I mean, this is just plain ridiculous......


Hal, tx 4 the info.
i will follow the procedure in the link and try the settings.
i'll post back here....


More on this:

since original post, i have tried to change the MTU from 1500 to 500
with no improvements. since i dt use PPPoE but DHCP, i expected this wd
have no effect. but tried it anyway, just in case.
i have ALSO, bypassed the linksys router completely--going directly thru
ISP DSL modem), and get the SAME timeout error message and same problems.
THUS, it is NOT a router problem.
i have ALSO logged in to my Westell DSL modem and checked out if setup
as bridge, it is, no custom configurations appear. just default config.
i have tried setting different DNS servers. no change.
there is something with OL itself as an application as i do not ever get
these error messages using Mozilla Thunderbird as an email client.
i do not want to switch to Thunderbird as my main business email client
and i MUST resolve this problem.

come on experts!! help me out here....

yvonne scholl

stef said:
OL 2002 (10.6515.6626) SP3

Follow-up to: *microsoft.public.outlook*

(this message is cross-posted to the newsgroups that appear in the
headers. To reply, just click "Reply" in news client and it will go to
the follow-up newsgroup *microsoft.public.outlook*, where u can follow the
thread. Thanks.)


I am constantly receiving error message:

Task 'smtp server name - Sending and Receiving' reported error
(0x8004210A): 'The operation timed out waiting for a response from the
receiving (POP) server. If you continue to receive this message, contact
your server administrator or Internet service provide (ISP).'

I have applied fix http://support.microsoft.com/kb/827349/ by creating
additional registry entry "UseInetcommCS"--just in case--but no change.

I HAVE office SP3 so i shouldn't even have to add the registry key....

I have contacted tech support at:
a) ISP and no problems there.
b) hosting company: no problems there
c) local telephone company--even had them change telephone switches which
appeared rusty, etc. to brand new ones--just in case.
d) completely uninstalled Trend Micro PC Cillin Internet Security and done
a clean reinstall with tech support
e) made sure that firewall and mail scanning both incoming and outgoing
were disabled
f) I am only running a Linksys NAT router with default
configuration--nothing customized.

Still no change. Same error message.
It works, it doesn't work, it works, etc. Once it starts giving the error
message, I usually need to restart OL and then it works again, etc.

The problem does NOT occur using a different email client--thus the
problem is with OL.

I was even thinking of buying the upgraded to Office 2003 just to get rid
of this problem but, searching thru newsgroups, the problem exist in
OL2003 as well.....

I am at my wits end....it is affecting my business email, etc.

Surely, there are some bright minds out there with experience with this
that can help......

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