Academic vs. Retail Versions



I read the few threads that already exist on the differences between the
academic and retail versions of OneNote, but I'm still left wondering...

What I'm wondering is if there truly are NO differences (besides price and
the fact you need to be a student). One thread had a post that mentioned the
academic version was "not upgradable". Other threads say there are no
differences. If anyone has a definite answer or the place where one can be
found I'd really appreciate it. This software looks awesome!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

I read the few threads that already exist on the differences between
the academic and retail versions of OneNote, but I'm still left

What I'm wondering is if there truly are NO differences (besides price
and the fact you need to be a student). One thread had a post that
mentioned the academic version was "not upgradable". Other threads say
there are no differences. If anyone has a definite answer or the place
where one can be found I'd really appreciate it. This software looks

As far as I know the only differences are in the licensing. i.e. you have
to be a student to qualify for the Academic licensing.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Thanks for responding Ben. But when places like NewEgg (that I'm almost
positive are not going to prequalify me as a student) are selling the
Academic Version, I wonder how MS OneNote is going to determine whether or
not I'm a student.

Anyone out there purchase an Academic version of OneNote? And if yes, did
you need to somehow prove your student status whild installing software? I
just don't get how this would be done....

David Morgenlender

My wife is a teacher & has purchased academic versions of software. Typically,
she has to prove she's a teacher when purchasing (fax school id, etc.). Then
she gets the software, usually in a box marked as an academic version. From
then on installing the software has been no different than for standard


millpa00 said:
Thanks for responding Ben. But when places like NewEgg (that I'm almost
positive are not going to prequalify me as a student) are selling the
Academic Version, I wonder how MS OneNote is going to determine whether or
not I'm a student.

Anyone out there purchase an Academic version of OneNote? And if yes, did
you need to somehow prove your student status whild installing software? I
just don't get how this would be done....

Dave Morgenlender
e-mail: (e-mail address removed)


Thanks David. Your response is appreciated.

David Morgenlender said:
My wife is a teacher & has purchased academic versions of software. Typically,
she has to prove she's a teacher when purchasing (fax school id, etc.). Then
she gets the software, usually in a box marked as an academic version. From
then on installing the software has been no different than for standard


Dave Morgenlender
e-mail: (e-mail address removed)

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Thanks for responding Ben. But when places like NewEgg (that I'm
almost positive are not going to prequalify me as a student) are
selling the Academic Version, I wonder how MS OneNote is going to
determine whether or not I'm a student.

OneNote doesn't know one way or the other. If the vendor doesn't check
then there isn't any way to know.

I have a client whose previous consultant sold them Academic versions of
Microsoft Office. There isn't any technical difference but if they ever
get audited it won't stand up. They're in the process of upgrading to the
newest version of Office anyhow, so we're getting them licensed with the
proper version now.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


I bought the full version because one of my kids, college age, was able
to download it for a class they were taking and I was playing with it
on his computer. There are some vendors out here in Portland and on
line that have you fax in school information. I've purchased Flash MX
for one of the kids along with an Adobe product. [I bought it cuz it
was my plastic].

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