Hi, we have text documents that contains both useless information and information we want to put in a database. The layout is different for each document. we would like to open the document in word and allow the user the select the text he wants to put in a database, then press a key (ex.: ALT+F4) to enter the selected text.
the problem is that I don't know how to detect when a user presses ALT+X. Usualy, it starts a word menu accelarator. I enabled the accelator field of the control I want to launch but it only fires when the userform has focus. Is it possible to do it when word has focus?
the problem is that I don't know how to detect when a user presses ALT+X. Usualy, it starts a word menu accelarator. I enabled the accelator field of the control I want to launch but it only fires when the userform has focus. Is it possible to do it when word has focus?