Accelerator key for "Font" in Insert/Symbol dlg in your language?


Edward Mendelson


May I ask for help from anyone who uses a version of Word that is NOT an
English-language or German-language version?

For a macro that uses SendKeys to access the Insert Symbol dialog, I need to
know two keystrokes in various language versions. In describing these, of
course I am using the English names:

(1) In the Insert Symbol dialog, what is the accelerator key (Alt-SOMETHING)
that takes the focus to the Font field in your language version? (In
English, it is Alt-F; in German, Alt-S)

(2) What is the shortcut for Copy in your language version of Windows (in
English, Ctrl-C; in German, Ctrl-C)

Also, (3), what is the language code of your version of Word (and the
English-language name of your version language (Dutch, French, Hungarian,

To find the language code, in the VBA editor, press Ctrl-G to go to the
Immediate window, and enter:

? Application.Language

which returns the code number (English is 1033).

Thank you for any help with this.

Edward Mendelson

Klaus Linke

Hi Edward,

Can't help you with tha accelerator keys, but doesn't

With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
MsgBox .Font
End With

work for you to get the font?


Edward Mendelson

Klaus Linke said:
Can't help you with tha accelerator keys, but doesn't
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
MsgBox .Font
End With
work for you to get the font?

Hi Klaus,

Unfortunately, that doesn't work (at least in Word 2002 and 2003) when
trying to get the font name for replacing the WP TypographicSymbols and
other fonts. But thanks to Helmut Weber, there is a solution using SendKeys,
and I've posted a macro based on it that will replace the WP symbols with
ordinary Windows characters; a big part of the code is based on the list of
characters that you posted in a message a few years ago, and your name is in
the comments.

The macro is described here:

And the actual macro is here:

As you'll see, not every character is converted, but it is very easy to add
lines to the macro (or uncomment out existing lines) to convert any
character that you need to convert. There is a separate macro (included in
the module), FindUncovertedWPSymbols, which reports the font and character
number for any characters that the main WPSymbolConverter macro did not
convert. There is also a SingleCharacterFontAndSymbol macro for reporting on
any character.

Please let me know any problems with this one!

Best wishes,

Edward Mendelson

Klaus Linke

With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)

Edward Mendelson said:
Unfortunately, that doesn't work (at least in Word 2002 and 2003)
when trying to get the font name for replacing the WP TypographicSymbols
and other fonts. [...]

It does work for me in Word2003 and 2004 for symbol fonts (Symbol,
Wingdings ..., as a work-around for those cases where Selection.Font.Name
doesn't give you the real font).
And it "should" work for any symbol font.

But there's definitely something strange about some imported WP files.
So I'm not too surprised that it doesn't work for WP TypographicSymbols :-(

Could you mail me a WP file where Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol).Font
doesn't give you the font?

As far as I remember from previous threads, for the WP characters
With Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol)
MsgBox (.CharNum And &HFFFF&)
End With
gives you some code below 256, and not something about 64400 (as would be
"proper" for symbol fonts).

This does look like a bug in the import filter.
Word doesn't care much about the "proper" code for symbol fonts: Any code
that's the same as the "proper" code modulo 256 will do to display/print
the character.
The WP import filter seems to take advantage of that "feature", which makes
it very hard to find those characters.

(Thank you again for the macros you posted; I haven't had time yet to look
at them)


Edward Mendelson

Klaus Linke said:
It does work for me in Word2003 and 2004 for symbol fonts (Symbol,
Wingdings ..., as a work-around for those cases where Selection.Font.Name
doesn't give you the real font).

But there's definitely something strange about some imported WP files.
So I'm not too surprised that it doesn't work for WP TypographicSymbols :-(

Could you mail me a WP file where Dialogs(wdDialogInsertSymbol).Font
doesn't give you the font?

Hello Klaus,

Yes, as you say, the WP Fonts get treated weirdly. I've e-mailed you a
sample file that shows the problem with Dialgos(wdDialogInsertSymbol).Font.

I posted a very slightly revised version of the macro a few hours ago
(slightly more efficient code, an errorhandler, and fixed a failure when the
macro is run with no document open); same address as in the earlier
messages; it's now version 1.26.

Best wishes

Edward Mendelson

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