Accentuated "o" problem in word...



Hello All,

It happened that when updating the operating system to Leopard, the
Word (11.3.8) forgot about the accentuated "o" that exists in
Hungarian (it shoudl be this: "ó"). Instead of this the Word handles
the key as up arrow. Anyway it is working well on every point of the
system, moreover even Excel (11.3.7) is able to do this simple trick
namely to handle "ó" well. I have contacted support and exchanged
some mails but we were not able to get to any conclusion better than
reinstall Office. I have tried it on other computer and it did not
work there as well, and looking through Hungarian forums several
people encountered this problem. The basic problem is that it is
difficult to use it for word processing, as on one hand the character
is widely used (even if not in every word), on the other hand it is
very annoying to write this way, namely if you forget this thing, and
automatically use that key you end up writing into the line one above.
I would like to ask if what solution could be found for this problem?



Not having moved to Leopard as yet I have only a meager 25 years of dealing
with other OS changes in Mac and Windows, so this is just my impression:

If the keystroke worked in Tiger it should work in Leopard as nothing has
changed in Word that would cause it to fail. The one exception I can see is
the manner in which you made the move to Leopard - If you migrated from a
Tiger installation some of what I've seen suggests that the old preference
files came along for the ride & just don't function correctly in 10.5, so
I'd suggest that before reinstalling that you try the troubleshooting steps
from the link below which pertain to testing prefs & plists (and don't
forget repairing disk permissions):

In addition to that possibility, however, it seems more likely that the
fault lies with;

a) Leopard, itself, or
b) one of the apps that come with it, or
c) some other utility coincidentally installed within the same time frame.

Please let us know if you find a solution as I'm sure there will be similar
issues surfacing here:)
Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Hello All,

It happened that when updating the operating system to Leopard, the
Word (11.3.8) forgot about the accentuated "o" that exists in
Hungarian (it shoudl be this: "ó"). Instead of this the Word handles
the key as up arrow. Anyway it is working well on every point of the
system, moreover even Excel (11.3.7) is able to do this simple trick
namely to handle "ó" well. I have contacted support and exchanged
some mails but we were not able to get to any conclusion better than
reinstall Office. I have tried it on other computer and it did not
work there as well, and looking through Hungarian forums several
people encountered this problem. The basic problem is that it is
difficult to use it for word processing, as on one hand the character
is widely used (even if not in every word), on the other hand it is
very annoying to write this way, namely if you forget this thing, and
automatically use that key you end up writing into the line one above.
I would like to ask if what solution could be found for this problem?


Jeff Wiseman

CyberTaz wrote:

In addition to that possibility, however, it seems more likely that the
fault lies with;

a) Leopard, itself, or
b) one of the apps that come with it, or
c) some other utility coincidentally installed within the same time frame.

Please let us know if you find a solution as I'm sure there will be similar
issues surfacing here:)

I vaguely remember something I read recently in the last week or
so (probably in one of the MacOS users groups or forums) that
others have seen some problems with at least one other
diacritical showing up with the same letter but wrong accent that
seemed to be Leopard related.

My memory on this is really sketchy but it might be worth the
OP's while to check out some MacOS specific groups such as or even apple's website (if the Apple
Nazis haven't deep-sixed it. they don't like people talking about
significant bugs in their new operating systems or applications
at all). Research on anything about font issues or leopard problems.

Anyway, hope this helps some


l will check that tomorrow (I'm now on PC), just please let me clue
do you type ó as 1character from your keyboard or do you write the
accent first and then press the o(I have keyboards for íéá.. but in
order to write ó I have to press the accent key and then the o)

What about the font? which one do you use, I had some problems with
palatino, which does not covered all these characters and thus had
been either substituted by squares or by different font.

Jeff Wiseman

Sorry but I don't actually use it. I just read something about
it. I did see the Arial font referred to in one case anyway.

- Jeff

little_creature said:
l will check that tomorrow (I'm now on PC), just please let me clue
do you type ó as 1character from your keyboard or do you write the
accent first and then press the o(I have keyboards for íéá.. but in
order to write ó I have to press the accent key and then the o)

What about the font? which one do you use, I had some problems with
palatino, which does not covered all these characters and thus had
been either substituted by squares or by different font.


10.5 (fresh install) +10.3.5 word (also new install with new pref and normal
template) without problem by typing 'and then o can have ó
Hope this helps

Sorry but I don't actually use it. I just read something about
it. I did see the Arial font referred to in one case anyway.

- Jeff

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