accept fractions from textbox



I cannot enter fractions in a TextBox and have them recognised as numbers.

If IsNumeric(UserForm1.TextBox2.Value) = False Then 'Quantity
MsgBox "Choose NUMERIC quantity. Transaction cancelled!", , "Company Name"
End If

I am having trouble getting this to work in Excel 2007; Vista whereas works
Excel 2003 XP.

Is there a better way or is it a machine setting problem rather than Excel
(eg Universal Date settings etc)
Thanks B

Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

What did you mean when you said...
I am having trouble getting this to work in Excel 2007;
Vista whereas works Excel 2003 XP.

....that code works the same in XL2007 as it does in XL2003 (both running on
Vista) for me. A numerical value entered into a TextBox is not a number, it
is text. The only reason entries like 1, 2.3, etc. end up as numbers when
used in calculations is because VBA has native data types that hold such
values (Long, Double, etc.) and, when used in calculations, numbers that can
be converted to an appropriate native data type are done so, in the
background, automatically, in order to perform the required calculation. VBA
has no native data type for fractions, so no conversion takes place. You can
parse the fraction and convert it to a floating point value in code though.
Here is a function that I have posted in the past (in the compiled VB
newsgroups) which will convert fractions, as well as mixed numbers (whole
numbers followed by a space followed by a fraction), into a floating point

Function FracToDec(ByVal Fraction As String) As Double
Dim Blank As Integer
Dim Slash As Integer
Dim CharPosition As Integer
Dim WholeNumber As Integer
Dim Numerator As Integer
Dim Denominator As Integer
'Remove leading and trailing blanks
Fraction = Trim$(Fraction)
'Collapse all multiple blanks to a single blank
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, " ")
Do While CharPosition
Fraction = Left$(Fraction, CharPosition) & _
Mid$(Fraction, CharPosition + 2)
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, " ")
'Remove any space character after the slash
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, "/ ")
If CharPosition Then
Fraction = Left$(Fraction, CharPosition) & _
Mid$(Fraction, CharPosition + 2)
End If
'Remove any space character in front of the slash
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, " /")
If CharPosition Then
Fraction = Left$(Fraction, CharPosition - 1) & _
Mid$(Fraction, CharPosition + 1)
End If
'Locate the blank and/or slash
Blank = InStr(Fraction, " ")
Slash = InStr(Fraction, "/")
'The Fraction argument can't have characters other than
'blanks, slashes, digits and it can only have one blank
'and/or one slash.
If Fraction Like "*[! /0-9]*" Or _
InStr(Blank + 1, Fraction, " ") Or _
InStr(Slash + 1, Fraction, "/") Or _
(Blank > 0 And Slash = 0) Then
MsgBox "Error -- Improperly formed expression"
'The Fraction argument is now in one of these formats
'where # stands for one or more digits: #, # #/# or #/#
'There is no slash (Format: #)
If Slash = 0 Then
FracToDec = Val(Fraction)
'There is a slash, but no blank (Format: #/#)
ElseIf Blank = 0 Then
FracToDec = Val(Left$(Fraction, Slash - 1)) / _
Val(Mid$(Fraction, Slash + 1))
'There are both a slash and a blank (Format: # #/#)
FracToDec = Val(Left$(Fraction, Blank - 1)) + _
Val(Mid$(Fraction, Blank + 1, _
Slash - Blank - 1)) / _
Val(Mid$(Fraction, Slash + 1))
End If
End If
End Function


Mike H


Textboxes (unsurprisingly) return text so you need val

mynumber = Val(UserForm1.TextBox2.Value)


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

The Val function will not convert fractions to floating point values; it
will print the numerator only.


Gary''s Student

Make a Textbox (I used the Drawing Toolbar). Enter 3/4

Run the following:

Sub Macro1()
Dim s As String
ActiveSheet.Shapes("Text Box 1").Select
s = Selection.Characters.Text
MsgBox (Evaluate(s))
End Sub

Outputs .75

Bernie Deitrick


VBA doesn't have native fraction value use, but Excel does, and you can
leverage that ability.

The cell that you use could be anywhere, including a hidden sheet in an

And you can do this
'Remove leading and trailing blanks
Fraction = Trim$(Fraction)
'Collapse all multiple blanks to a single blank

by using Appliction.Trim, which removes leading, trailing, and multiple
internal spaces.

And note the use of a Sub rather than a Function definition.

Clearly, my code isn't as robust (not looking for extra /'s, non-numeric
characters, for example),
but, hey, it's just an example. ;-)


Option Explicit

Sub TestIt()
Dim myValue As Double
FracToDec " 1,230 5 \ 6", myValue
MsgBox myValue
End Sub

Sub FracToDec(ByVal Fraction As String, ByRef myDV As Double)
Dim myC As Range
Fraction = Application.Trim(Fraction)
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, "\", "/")
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, " /", "/")
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, "/ ", "/")
Set myC = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp)(2)
myC.NumberFormat = "G"
myC.Value = Fraction
myDV = myC.Value
End Sub

Rick Rothstein (MVP - VB) said:
What did you mean when you said...
I am having trouble getting this to work in Excel 2007;
Vista whereas works Excel 2003 XP.

...that code works the same in XL2007 as it does in XL2003 (both running
on Vista) for me. A numerical value entered into a TextBox is not a
number, it is text. The only reason entries like 1, 2.3, etc. end up as
numbers when used in calculations is because VBA has native data types
that hold such values (Long, Double, etc.) and, when used in calculations,
numbers that can be converted to an appropriate native data type are done
so, in the background, automatically, in order to perform the required
calculation. VBA has no native data type for fractions, so no conversion
takes place. You can parse the fraction and convert it to a floating point
value in code though. Here is a function that I have posted in the past
(in the compiled VB newsgroups) which will convert fractions, as well as
mixed numbers (whole numbers followed by a space followed by a fraction),
into a floating point values...

Function FracToDec(ByVal Fraction As String) As Double
Dim Blank As Integer
Dim Slash As Integer
Dim CharPosition As Integer
Dim WholeNumber As Integer
Dim Numerator As Integer
Dim Denominator As Integer
'Remove leading and trailing blanks
Fraction = Trim$(Fraction)
'Collapse all multiple blanks to a single blank
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, " ")
Do While CharPosition
Fraction = Left$(Fraction, CharPosition) & _
Mid$(Fraction, CharPosition + 2)
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, " ")
'Remove any space character after the slash
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, "/ ")
If CharPosition Then
Fraction = Left$(Fraction, CharPosition) & _
Mid$(Fraction, CharPosition + 2)
End If
'Remove any space character in front of the slash
CharPosition = InStr(Fraction, " /")
If CharPosition Then
Fraction = Left$(Fraction, CharPosition - 1) & _
Mid$(Fraction, CharPosition + 1)
End If
'Locate the blank and/or slash
Blank = InStr(Fraction, " ")
Slash = InStr(Fraction, "/")
'The Fraction argument can't have characters other than
'blanks, slashes, digits and it can only have one blank
'and/or one slash.
If Fraction Like "*[! /0-9]*" Or _
InStr(Blank + 1, Fraction, " ") Or _
InStr(Slash + 1, Fraction, "/") Or _
(Blank > 0 And Slash = 0) Then
MsgBox "Error -- Improperly formed expression"
'The Fraction argument is now in one of these formats
'where # stands for one or more digits: #, # #/# or #/#
'There is no slash (Format: #)
If Slash = 0 Then
FracToDec = Val(Fraction)
'There is a slash, but no blank (Format: #/#)
ElseIf Blank = 0 Then
FracToDec = Val(Left$(Fraction, Slash - 1)) / _
Val(Mid$(Fraction, Slash + 1))
'There are both a slash and a blank (Format: # #/#)
FracToDec = Val(Left$(Fraction, Blank - 1)) + _
Val(Mid$(Fraction, Blank + 1, _
Slash - Blank - 1)) / _
Val(Mid$(Fraction, Slash + 1))
End If
End If
End Function


brianbanksia said:
I cannot enter fractions in a TextBox and have them recognised as numbers.

If IsNumeric(UserForm1.TextBox2.Value) = False Then 'Quantity
MsgBox "Choose NUMERIC quantity. Transaction cancelled!", , "Company
End If

I am having trouble getting this to work in Excel 2007; Vista whereas
Excel 2003 XP.

Is there a better way or is it a machine setting problem rather than
(eg Universal Date settings etc)
Thanks B

Bernie Deitrick

Gary''s Student,

Evaluate is an excellent idea - much better than my using a range object -
but with a little extra code to clean things up, since evaluate doesn't like


Sub TestIt()
Dim myValue As Double
myValue = FracToDec(" 1,230 5 \ 6")
MsgBox myValue
End Sub

Function FracToDec(ByVal Fraction As String) As Double
Fraction = Application.Trim(Fraction)
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, "\", "/")
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, " /", "/")
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, "/ ", "/")
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, ",", "")
FracToDec = Evaluate(Fraction)
End Function

Mike H


Thanks for the correction, I'm aware of that but misread to post I thought
the problem was simply getting numbers from a textbox.


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

This would be my attempt at making it fully robust...

Function FracToDec(ByVal Fraction As String) As Double
Dim myC As Range
If Fraction Like "*\*#* *#*" Or Fraction Like "*/*/*" Or _
Fraction Like "*#* *#* *#*/*" Or Fraction Like "*[! /0-9-]*" Then
Err.Raise Number:=1001, Description:="Improperly formed fraction"
Exit Function
ElseIf Fraction Like "*#* *#*/*" Then
Fraction = Replace(Fraction, " ", Chr$(0), , 1)
End If
Fraction = Replace(Replace(Fraction, " ", ""), Chr$(0), " ")
FracToDec = Evaluate(Replace(Fraction, ",", ""))
End Function

Note that I implemented an "error number" (1001) that can be trapped for in


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